Chapter 54

Author: Thanks for reading and for support.

Mira: I'm worried about Simon.

Author: So am I. He's the best character so far, and I really like him.


Author: What? Why are you glaring at me?

Mira: What kind of ‘like’ are we talking about here?

Author: Like,......I like him. I like his personality. I like him as a fellow human.

Mira: Better. Cause if it was something else, you would have surely lost something important.

Author: I need my brain, heart and hands, you can take anything else.

Mira: I'll keep that in mind.

Author: And I'll make sure my kind of like stays the same for him (Simon).

Mira: Great! Isn't it wonderful that we understand each other?

Author: Ah, uh, hmm.

Mira: See you later.

Author: I hope you never show up again.

Mira: *Laughs, know that's never happening.

Jamie: I'm here, you called for me.

Mira: Who's this?

Author: Jamie, remember?

Mira: Jamie who?