Chapter 88

Author: Thanks for reading and for supporting.



Walking in the dim lit cave, Alena and Mira led, followed by Simon, Pervon and Zil, and then Den and Yuuki.

Quietly listening as Alena talked about the demon king they've heard so many rumors about but never knew him personally.

It was a question Pervon asked, and Alena was more than glad to talk about her love.

"Dexter was a great guy. So helpful and always ready to help. He was a joker, a playful guy. But what he deemed serious, really affected his expression and voice. He looked and sounded so cool! I was head over heels every time he was in a serious situation"

"Sounds like you master" Zil said, and Alena couldn't help but smile, "Is not just the personality little Zil. But the face and the voice as well. He only has my eyes and everything else from his father" she (Alena) said, smiling, but Den didn't see and thought she was saddened.