Author: Thanks for reading.
A chance to vent out his anger and frustration was not given. Yuuki was literally dragged away to this surprise Den had for him and it took only a few seconds to get there.
It was a cave with a huge glass window in the left. Wasn't big or small and at the entrance, were red roses, bringing back memories.
It looked exactly like their hideout in the new Cloud Crush.
The entrance, back in Cloud Crush also had red roses. He intentionally planted them, after finding out Den liked them. And now that he knew of his past, he knew why Den liked them. It was his father's favorite.
A symbol of Demon Island.
"The surprise awaits within" an excited Den said, as they got close but Yuuki was still speechless. His feet leading.
Going in, the crystal balls lit up, illuminating the room and Yuuki found himself mesmerized.