Chapter 11 Demon Lair!!(6)

Following the river downstream the group eventually saw the lava. As they continued downstream they ran into imps but by now every one of them can take care of an imp or two by themselves as long as they are not swarmed by them. Eventually they passed the area where Alex fought the Greater Imp and surprisingly the corpses were still there.

'I guess these imps don't practice cannibalism and there aren't any carnivorous mana beasts either or at least none that would eat the imps.' Alex thought as he looked at the imp corpses.

Continuing further, Robert suddenly held his hand up for them to stop.

"What is it, why did you ask us to stop." Xavier asked

Without saying anything, he summoned an arnament that looked like a spyglass and pointed it ahead and looked through. Suddenly his complexion paled and his body slightly shuddered which the others didn't take as a good sign.

"Robert what do you see?" Alex asked but his query was met with silence.

"Robert?!!" Alex said a bit more loudly.

"Shhhh, don't s talk so loudly." Robert said breaking out of his trance.

"What did you see?"

"There is another horde of imps out there around a hundred meters infront of us."


"Oh? What do you mean 'Oh' there is a horde of imps that will probably find us very quickly if we don't run right now. " Xavier said horrified at the thought of facing another horde while Carla paled a little as she recalled the battle with the horde.

"I just thought we wouldn't run into one this quickly." Alex shrugged

"Yeah me either, it must mean we are close to their home." Robert said after regaining his composure.

"Well we're going to need a plan if we are going to take them out. Any suggestions?" Alex asked

"I might." Carla said surprisingly everyone.


'Why fuck did I agree to this.' Alex thought as he walked towards the horde of imps. Sensing him the imps turned their heads towards him staring at him with their burning red eyes that burned with palpable hunger and desire.

'Let's do this.' Thinking this he summoned both his arnaments. Sudden in a shower of silver sparks an elegant silver jian that reflected the world around it appeared in his hand. At the same time a shower of red sparks engulfed his body covering him in a suit of light red body suit that covered his entire body except his head with the boots and vambraces being a darker shade. Looking at the [Impish Shroud] Alex nodded his head in approval then looked towards the horde of monsters running towards him. Staring at the hundreds of monsters racing towards him he swallowed his fear, tightened the grip on his sword and....fled.

Alex's job was not to fight the horde or slow it down it was to lead them into a trap which did not require him to stop and fight them. Running through the forest Alex weaved and dodged tree after tree as he ran away from the imps that were inching closer and closer with each passing second. Alex decided not to infuse his feet with mana opting to save his mana his mana for the battles ahead.


Suddenly chill ran down his spine he quickly shifted to the side as a crimson flash narrowly missed him as it slammed into one of the trees. Suddenly before he could process what was happening he felt more chills run down his side causing him to roll to the side but that was a mistake. By rolling he dodged the imps flying at him but it allowed some of the faster ones behind him to catch up. Three imps suddenly jumped at him while he was on the ground forcing him to roll again. Quickly getting up this time he swung his sword at one of the imps instantly cleaving it in two with a downward diagonal slash. The other two imps lunged at him but he killed both with a single horizontal slash.

Alex suddenly felt something hit his thigh, turning around he saw an imp trying to claw at through the [Impish Shroud] furiously but finding no success. Alex lifted his sword and stabbed it through it's chest.



Hearing the incoming imps Alex quickly decided it was time to run again but before that he slashed the throats of the still stunned imps.