Chapter 15 Demon Lair!!(10)

Walking over towards the dead imp pulled out his sword along with it's core. Walking back over to his original spot he saw the first imp still twitching on the ground. With a swift slash of his sword Alex ended the pitiful creature's life and took it's core. After taking the core of the last imp he decided to leave. He had found the imps home like he promised and now he had something to report. It didn't take long for him to reach where Robert and Carla were resting. Currently they were piling the imp corpses into the pitfalls, when they saw Alex they stopped were doing and walked towards him.

"Did find anything?" Carla asked immediate after reaching Alex.

'Woow not even a hello huh.' Alex thought but answered anyway. He told them about the village, it's location, the amount houses and imps he saw and about the lava pool behind the village but he didn't tell them about the imps he killed since it wasn't relevant and since his wounds were healed and his armour was repaired they didn't get suspicious.

"So...what should we do about the village full of imps." Alex asked

"I-I-I don't know. According to the information you gave it would be impossible to kill all of them with just the three of us." Robert said a bit shaken by the what Alex told him. He had struggled to fight one Greater Imp and now he had to fight twenty. And then there was the fact that their weren't supposed to be so many fucking E ranks in this dungeon it was F ranked after all. According to what he knew in an F ranked dungeon only the dungeon boss should be E ranked and the mobs should all be F ranks, although be did hear rumours of special dungeons that broke away from the norm and had extremely powerful mobs.

'Fuck my luck.' Robert thought

"Hey, Robert do you have any far ranged weapon arnaments?" Alex asked all of a sudden.

"No, why do you ask?"

"I was thinking that you and Carla can attack from behind while I fight them head on." Alex said nonchalantly

"Are you fucking insane?!" Robert nearly shouted in surprise

"Maybe a little but it's the only option we've got." Alex shrugged

"How exactly are you going to fight so many, at the same time no less?" Carla asked calmly

"Not sure yet, I'll think of something...eventually." Alex said while rubbing.

The only reason Alex even suggested such a plan was because it really was their only option. He has seen both Robert's and Carla's skill and he can confidently say they couldn't take on more than one E ranks at a time but he on the other hand was a different story. Less than an hour ago he fought against three E ranks and came out on top with only a few scratches but fighting twenty of them was totally different from three he will make it work.....somehow.

"Okay then when should we go?" Carla asked grasping her bow tightly.

"In a few hours, I could use the rest." Nodding her head, Carla walked over to a tree and sat below it's branches.


A few hours later.....

Standing a top a hill were three people, a blonde haired girl, a tall man and a average height pale young man with black irises. Currently all three of them were looking at a small village filled with little black huts with a lava pool bubbling behind the village.

"Let's do this." Alex said with a resigned expression