Let's Defraud A Country

Meanwhile, when night fell, another unexpected event happened to Fate as he was enjoying his meal in the dining room of Shadow Spire Citadel.

Fate found it weird that Ruby seemed to be missing again. She does not usually miss a meal with him.

Fate saw that no guards were present again either.


"This whole world really is out to get me. This seems to be happening a lot lately, so I better find a more enjoyable way to eliminate my guests, isn't that right?"




Then a mysterious voice in the shadows said,

"Well, it looks like you are not a complete waste of nobility after all. At least you can recognize the moment of your own death."

Fate nodded his head, waiting for the assassin to finish his monologuing.

It seemed that the assassin was done then. So, with a smile, Fate got up from the table where he was enjoying some chicken and said to this cheap assassin,