The Void Beasts Strike Pt. 2

A creepy laughter was heard from the woods around them as the attackers appeared in front of Amara.

There were around a hundred of them, all dressed in what appeared to be clothing made from human skin. They reeked of a foul and malicious odor that was wrong and not supposed to exist in the world of Eryndor.

These tall beasts resembled humans, only they had lifeless red eyes, long pointed teeth used for killing and eating meat, and long pointed ears with distinctive white hair.

All of them were well over eight feet tall with strong muscular bodies and ash grey skin.

Amara saw these creatures and her eyes grew wide with surprise. "What are Void Beasts doing in this world?"

With a serious look on her face, Amara said to these creatures who discard all human life, "What the hell are you Void Beasts doing in our world?"