Operation Double Trouble Pt. 1

Finally, the day came for the meeting of the lords. Fate had secured a business deal with Fran Gunderson, and the opening of the Baconators was well underway.

With everything set up, Fate, along with Ruby and Amara, greeted the various nobles and guests who had arrived at Shadow Spire Citadel from throughout the Southern Hampshire Plains.

First came Prince Nimrod Bloodsworn, along with Maria, Kathy, and, somehow, Mary Jane Dawson, who was busy eating at the buffet.

Their presence surprised Ruby but not Fate. He knew that anytime an important event occurred, the hero of the story would find an opportunity to show up.

Ruby began to draw up various scenarios where she could use this to her advantage.

If she wanted to poison the nobles, why not pin the blame on one of these four people, especially if it resulted in tensions forming between the crown and the nobles?