
My husband finally did what I knew he would do: he rejected me.

"You can not do this to me," I said, blinking away tears that were about to fall.

"I can, and I already did; now take your sorry self and your Beta and leave my pack; you are forbidden from even stepping foot here," Martin said as I stared at him, feeling nothing but hatred and disgust.

"You appear to trust her with everything in you?" I inquired as he stared at me furiously.

"Yes, I do. I do not know why I wasted my time on such a piece of junk like you; I can not believe I marked you." He said his eyes were fierce as he spoke, and I gulped.

"Yeah, I was wondering too. We built this pack together, and if it had not been for me, you would not be who you are today." I sneered as Clara stood beside me, angry, and patted my shoulder, making me want to cry.

"Alpha Martins, are you sure this omega is who you say she is?" Clara said as I noticed Linda panicking briefly.

"Wh-what do you mean?" She stuttered as she averted our gaze.

"Do not try to change the subject, Beta; I need you and your Alpha out of my pack," Martin said with a predatory growl.

"I was already on my way, and do not worry, I will be back for everything that was truly mine," I said firmly as Clara took my hand and we left the kitchen to go to our rooms.

As I entered my room, the tears I had been holding back for so long began to flow as I packed my belongings; I had worked for this pack for five years and my husband still had the guts to reject me, and he even regretted marking me; am I that useless? I found myself asking that question as I stared at myself in the mirror checking out my body, wasn't I good in bed, wasn't I good enough for him? I regret ever allowing him to bring his so-called mate into my pack, but out of my stupid kindness, my husband finally let go, and I sighed, wondering if it was time for me to let go as well; I do not want to keep hurting myself or hearing his stupid excuse about everything being for his wolf.

I washed my face, wearing sunglasses, I picked up my bag and car keys, looking at my room one last time as I closed my eyes painfully as I stepped out, Clara just came out of her room as we both walked downstairs, my car was parked just by the corner as we both loaded our luggage into the boot, Clara got in to drive saying I was not in the right state of mind to drive, I looked at the pack house as I saw Martin standing by one of the windows, "you will regret this," I muttered As we left the Star Blood pack, we headed to our former pack, which was known for having great warriors and very skilled werewolves.

"Are you OK?" Clara muttered, as I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"I am trying to be fine, I feel terrible, and I can not believe my husband banished me from our clan, but at least I can find my mate," I said as she nodded.

"You should be careful," she said abruptly as I turned to her, her gaze fixed on the road.

"Why would you say that?" I asked, as she simply smiled calmly.

"That Linda girl is not a werewolf, I can tell, and she has a tattoo on the side of her neck that looks like it belongs to some pack, but I can not place it," Clara said, nodding.

"I have noticed it; one day I irritated her, and her eyes turned red briefly, but what werewolf eyes turn red?" I asked seriously because Linda could do a lot of damage to the Star Blood pack, and possibly ours as well.

"We are not sure yet, so do not jump to conclusions," she said, as I agreed, leaning against the window with my eyes closed.

We finally arrived at our pack, Midnight Stalkers, which had changed so much since my last visit. Clara drove the car straight to where Danielle was standing, and as we parked, she ran into my arms like a little kid.

"Elle!" I exclaimed, as she giggled.

"Guess as invisible here" Clara rolled her eyes as Danielle stopped hugging me.

"I thought you would not arrive earlier, and why are you carrying your bags?" Danielle asked, as I sighed.

"I want to look outside the pack; I saw something suspicious there," I said, as Danielle and Clara turned to me.

"Should we have some warriors escort you?" Danielle asked, but I did not want anyone to accompany me.

"No, it is fine; I will be packed," I told Danielle, who nodded as I left.

I left the pack gate and walked through the streets; it was scanty and there were other werewolves around, but this was not the human world; it was different. I noticed a car parked around the corner; it was luxurious and the color was distinctive. I walked up to the car and knocked on the window. The window rolled down and I gasped as I saw the most handsome man; he had dark raven hair and dark blue eyes, he was dressed in a suit, and the first two buttons opened to reveal his broad chest.

"Are you finished?" I heard a cold, aloof voice.

"Um, sorry, my pack is right at the front; I was wondering why your car was parked here?" I said as he shut his eyes. I heard the car door click open, took a step back as he got out, and stared at him in awe of his height.

"And who are you to tell me that?" he growled.