What the hell are you?

"Shall we?" Kai said wrapping his arm around Lilith's waist.

"Let's do this" I said with a giggle as we walked out of the house.

We arrived at me old pack or rather the Star blood's pack, we stepped out of the car as I adjusted my dress, Cyrus stood beside me as I hooked my hand with his. Lilith did the same with Kai as we proceeded to the entrance of the gate, a guard was there to check our invites.

"Ma'am, you can't come in" the guard suddenly said as I turned around remembering my ex husband had already banished me from this pack.

"And why can't she, she is my mate so she has every right to come in" Cyrus said as the guards eyes widened, he didn't want to offend the Lycan king so what should he do.

"Mate?, does he know" I wondered as Cyrus smiled at me meaningfully.

"Okay sir, please come in" the guard said with a bow as we walked into the pack with Lilith and Kai right behind us.

The packs garden was decorated beautifully, the stage was large and the party looked elegant, something that never happened in my time, seeing that Linda got those things which I never got made me feel hurt.

"Let's find somewhere to sit" Cyrus said as I nodded at him, we sat at the front row so we could see all the drama that was happening on stage.

"You're going to be in for a treat " Kai said as Lilith giggled, her natural complexion was coming back as the hours passed.

Soon the seats of other guests were now filled up, I noticed their gazes on me and Cyrus but I couldn't are less. Soon the trumpets sounded as Linda, dressed in a blue mermaid dress, it showed a major amount of skin but she still looked pretty as she wore a huge smile on her face, Martin was on stage, his hair wasn't groomed like Cyrus's it still looked cool, he wore a black suit as soon as Linda stepped on the stage, he took her hand kissing it as she blushed.

"Welcome everyone to the crowning of the new and improved Luna of the Star blood's pack" Martin began as the crowd clapped.

New and improved my foot, I thought with a scoff.

"Let us begin, Linda Gregory, do you accept to protect the pack and its members by any cause?" Martin's asked as my breath hitched, this was the same way he asked me these questions.

"Yes I do"

"Do you swear to never betray us and to stand by the alpha and other pack authorities through hard times and good time?".

"Yes I do".

"Then it is settled, by the power given to me by the moon goddess I hereby crown you Luna Gregory of the Star blood's pack" Martin said as Linda knelt down, a servant brought out a gold tiara with blue gems engraved into it, I looked away in pain, seeing the man I had loved for years now crown another person his Luna just made me hurt.

"Don't think about it too much" I felt Cyrus hold my hand as I nodded, the crown was now placed on Linda's head as she gave a slight bow. The crowd clapped as we all stood up.

For the next few minutes we just network, drink and eat, I stood in the corner with Cyrus, Lilith and Kai, we were just observing the surroundings seeing what would happen next, I swirled the red wine in my glass as I took a sip. Martin and Linda soon approached us as I heard Kai snicker.

"Lycan king" Martin said as he stopped in front of us, I linked my hand with Cyrus's hand as Kai grabbed Lilith hand as they walked away giving us some previous.

"I didn't think you would accept the invitation, and you even brought a guest" Martin said as he gazed at me in disgust, I just smiled innocently at him turning to Linda who glared at me.

"Congratulations on being the Luna of this pack, omega Linda" I said mock was evident in my tone as Linda clenched her fists but quietly composed herself.

"Thank you Ariana, and I'm happy I have a title unlike those who don't and end up sticking their selves to men" she sneered as I saw Martin tou h her hand as if to caution her.

"Oh this isn't a man as you've said it men, and he's a lycan king and my mate so why should I be ashamed afterall I am an alpha so it makes no difference" I said with a sigh as I looked up at Cyrus who chuckled before turning to Linda.

"Do you have a problem with my mate omega?" Cyrus asked as Linda looked down avoiding Cyrus's gaze.

"N-no, I wasn't even referring to her" Linda said in fear as I burst into laughter at her coward behaviour.

"I'll excuse you guys, I need to use the ladies" I said as I placed a kiss on Cyrus cheek.

"Let me show you the way Ariana" Linda said as we bought left the men to talk, we walked down the hall way of the main house as we arrived at the toilet.

"And why did you offer to show me the way you know very well I know the way" I said as Linda locked the door, I couldn't help but feel this was a bad idea but I couldn't care less.

"Oh I know that, I came to warn you and this your stupid mouth, you know I'm surprised a Lycan king is mated to a werewolf who can't even shift" she mocked me as I gritted my teeth in anger.

"Yes I can't shift but those that mean you can, I know you aren't a werewolf Linda, I'm just keeping mute because I want to see where this takes you and I know it's no where good" I said as she laughed, it wasn't the usual innocent and casual laugh, it was filled with malice and hate.

"Do you think I care, my job is very simple but it doesn't concern you" she said as she grabbed my hand with so much force, her nails became long as she stabbed it I to my wrist.

"What the fuck, what the hell are you!?" I asked as she giggled.

"Let's find out" and with that she latched her mouth on the cut of the wound.