I'm sorry Celeste

Kai's Pov

I belonged with the darkness, as hideous as it may sound, it is the truth and Ariana looked as if she would cry, I really shouldn't do this.

"You don't belong in the darkness Kai, in fact no one does" I sighed as I stared at her, she didn't have to see me like this, I don't want anyone to see me in my most vulnerable state

"You should go inside Ariana, Cyrus wouldn't appreciate you being here with me so late" I said as she pouted, she was cute to doubt but I just wanted Lilith beside me.

"I don't know what's going on with you Kai but don't let it consume you, it's not worth it" she said as she touched my shoulder before leaving. I wanted this darkness. It felt really wrong to succumb to things the darkness had to offer but it made me feel good, made me feel at peace.

I turned as I went back into my room, I shut the windows and the curtains as I closed the door, I sat Infront of the mirror as I saw that devilish stare.