Chapter 277 Yuan Yi

A few days later,

Lin Lee appeared inside the U Tower exclusive hall, looking at the mirror and the Tao robot assistant standing beside it.

"How are you doing, Tao?" Lin Lee asked calmly, looking at him, then glanced at the mirror and added, "I am ready for my next adventure."

"I am doing fine; how are you doing, Master Lin Lee? Please, you can proceed with your next adventure by passing through this mirror; before that, please confirm your reincarnation mode: do you want to travel as a soul or travel physically?" Tao greeted in return and then gestured at the mirror and asked respectfully,

'Well, soul traveling will be better as I need another path; I have to manufacture the chaos weapon with the emotion attribute for Hulina. For that, I have to choose the divine path of emotion, learn another divine path, gain three embryos, and find allies. It will be like striking three birds with one stone.'