
There she was.

The tall thin grey figure walking or rather lurching across the long forlorn halls. Throwing about her a dark, repelling and toxic air.

Now that I think about it, no one really remembered when she started the school, not even the teachers, she had just seemed to drift into our midst as a spot before growing into a very conspicuous shadow.

She was isolated by everyone or should I say, everyone feared her.

It wasn't a fear that was caused by her reputation or what not, but one that came with coming face-to-face with a predator, a fear that came from within.

I, myself had experienced that fear when she had asked me where the principal's office was, I remember stuttering and vibrating and sweating, even under the frozen air.

She never spoke to anyone, except out of extreme inconvenience, not even the teachers, neither did the teachers speak to her anyways [it was alleged that the teachers too were afraid of her.]

Nevertheless she, her name was an interesting topic for gossip groups to delve into. There were rumours about her story and descent.

Everyone in school knew her and her story or at least the story we were told about her.

We knew she'd been orphaned at the age of eleven. We knew she'd gotten into juvy at the young age of 12.

There was also some speculations on that too, some kids said, it was for killing another child whom had made fun of her 'parentlessness', some said it was for stealing from a grocery store, others say her parents were connected to the underground and they had gotten killed by an enemy mafia and in an effort to completely get rid of the family sent her to juvy and many.

We knew she'd been released at the age of 15 and had been sent to our country The Cold North to continue her education.

She always wore a thin grey hoddie, a very unusual attire in the freezing cold atmosphere of T.C.N

We never saw her in the cafeteria, she never participated in any extracurricular activities we only saw her in the class, the halls and the outside. Needless to say, no one knew where her home was.


I and my friends were sitting on the bleachers in the warm wide P.E hall watching the basketball game, classes were over and we, being part of the S.A.S group [Stay After School] were basking in the warm atmosphere of the school's interior before plunging into the desert-like cold and snowy outdoors in search of our respective homes.

We felt a movement like someone sitting some space away from us, I turned casually to look at the new comer and I coughed in shock when I saw who it was.

It was her!

The-girl-with-the-black-wave, as we tagged her, was here! In the P.E hall!

Even the girls and boys playing a while ago stopped to bear witness to this strange phenomenon.

In that strange silence, we lingered until everything slowly went back to normal.

That's when I took a closer look at her and realized that she wasn't looking normal.

Her face was unnaturally white and her eyes, wide. Her right palm gripped the wrist of the her left arm as she whispered something repetitively, her body shook and quivered like a drenched bird.

I kept staring at her in astonishment, but her body vibrated so violently that I could the butterfly effects in the bench I was sitting on.

I couldn't hear what she was saying at first but as I concentrated, it became clear to me.

"No no no no no, not now, why now?! How is this happening to me? It's not possible," Suddenly her back straightened up, then went limp bringing her down two benches lower.

There was a stunned silence, she'd fainted.

We all stared in stunned shock at the unconscious body.

Suddenly as if by the click 9f a witch's fingers, everyone snapped back into action. A girl ran to her and touched her head then withdrew it as if scalded by a boiling kettle.

'Was her body that hot?'

Just then another girl playing basketball ran towards her body and made to carry her but too received the retribution for acting too fast, they found a towel and wrapped her in it so to lessen the heat against the carrier's body.

A handful of the girls and boys followed suit as they all rushed out, obviously to the school's clinic.

Only two girls and a boy had followed them, the rest of us still present, shaken by the ordeal left for our various homes.