Dead Come Back.

Author's View.

Judging from her position, she seemed to have died while doing some bookwork, she was found slumped over an empty book soaked with blood. The table was pooled with blood which was pouring over.

Everyone was shocked and on guard more than ever.

The police interviewed her classmates and those close to her including Jamil, but nothing came of it.

Her adoptive parents were missing.

Police, even with the best forensic experts, couldn't determine cause of death much less find the cut that had let all that blood out.

Her body was clean with no sign of incision or injury. It was at first speculated that it wasn't her blood but a test was done, and it matched perfectly with her blood.

Rigor mortis had set and from the state of the body, they determined she died on Wednesday around 9 a.m to 12 p.m.

The principal of her school announced her death on Monday morn and warned

all students to be careful.

The authorities for this reason and many other missing persons' cases, started curfews, everyone was to be in their homes at 9 p.m.

However a week later, an incident even more shocking than the former would take place.


In City's Central Hospital, a worker was finishing up in the hospital's morgue when she heard a sound in the interior of the building.

She looked into the interior and thinking it was nothing, turned back to what she was doing when she heard it again.

She walked into the Cold room where she heard the sound.

Working in a building filled with dead bodies for years had steeled her momism against fear of the dead.

She turned on her flash light and shone it through the room. She heard a sudden muffled bang inside a body cabinet and walked slowly towards it.

She slowly drew it out and found staring at her the open scared and agitated eyes of the presumed corpse of Elliam.

The worker shocked and dumbfounded, fumbled around for her phone to call the police.


Elliam was taken into police custody, given some food and water then allowed rest.

The next day, the police interviewed her.


In the Interview Room.

"Elliam, how are you doing this morning?"

Her eyes were unfocused as she answered, "Fine, I'm okay,"

"Do you have any idea what happened to you on Wednesday?"

"I don't know, I was just in my room one minute then in the morgue the next."

"Do you remember anything around the time you lost consciousness?"

Her eyes focused on her face as her expression morphed into that of confusion.


"Can you try? We need to know what happened so you don't get into danger again,"

The officer said and waited in silence for Elliam to digest her words.

"Elliam do you...."

"I remember," She interrupted.

"I remember being in my room at night and looking out the window, I think I was looking for someone....Or more like watching out for something..."

The officer listened attentively while Elliam talked.

She paused as if trying to recall something.

"I know that because there was this fear and foreboding..... Then there was a loud noise downstairs....And..the memories beyond are fuzzy,"

The officer took notes of her statement.

Then surveyed it, it was not even enough to make an official statement much less grounded evidence to catch the killer.

She sat in silence then asked, "Was there any event particularly peculiar that happened during the time frame around your attack?"


"Maybe a fight with someone in school, a quarrel or anything?"


The officer leaned on her chair in resignation.

"..Wait, there's something,"

She straightened up her back in attention.

"There was this boy...He..I don't really remember but ever since something happened in school, he's been meeting me outside school,"

"But not inside school?"

Elliam nodded.

"For what? Was he asking you out? Did he seemed like bad influence? Was he involved in drugs?"

"No, nothing like that...That I remember at least, but I did remember him involving me in strange discussions and asking me strange and really personal questions,"

"Like what?"

"Like what my favourite flavour of flesh was."

The officer kept quiet. She was an intensely experienced cop and had seen alot of twisted and interesting cases, but this was a really outstanding one from her point of view.

A person dying with the body relatively fresh but they still couldn't determine cause of death, blood of the victim in such a large pool yet no sign of open injury or incision whatsoever. Then the victim herself rising up from death after a week.

No witnesses, no evidence, no leads, no nothing. The victim herself was disoriented and seemed to have lost some memories.

She looked at the lost, struggling and confused expression of Elliam and couldn't even begin to get around to understand how she'd be feeling right now.

She'd been assigned this young lass to cross the borders and work out her registration in school and signing of papers to officiate her adoption of the Elm couple.

She'd been notified the sort of person Elliam was, parents killed infront of her as a child, gone to juvy twice and God knows what they did to her there, ostracized, bullied and rejected by everyone around the government decided to send her to City Central's Junior College, where if she behaved well, she'd be free of juvy atlast.

And now this?!

What was it? A generational curse or what?

She then thought about what Elliam had said just now, favourite flavour of flesh? What kind of weird sicko would ask a question like that? And what type of case was this, one of a psychopathic cannibal let loose?

Not likely, Elliam was... Fully intact as far as she could tell.

She looked at Elliam again and suddenly felt that she knew more than she was letting on and was either playing dumb or the temporary loss of her memories was the hinderer.

She sighed again and asked, "What other questions did he ask you? Anything particularly inappropriate?"

"Uhhh, not really, but he did ask about my blood type, if the couple in the Elm house were really my parents, asked for my number repeatedly, asked to know where I lived.. And that's all, I think,"

"What was your answer to these questions he put to you?"

"When he approached me, I was surprised because I keep mainly to myself and no one bothered me, but I did remember telling him to keep off and keeping mum to his weird questions,"

The officer stared at the table, lost in thought.

"Was there anything else?"

"Well, on Friday Evening, I remember having that uncanny feeling of being followed but whenever I turned there was no one there and that was the last time I remember being out of the house between Friday and Monday."

"Friday and Monday? Why didn't you go to school on Tuesday?"

"Well....I remember stepping out of the house to go to school and re-entering it at 12 a.m. but I don't..Have any recollection of what I did or where I went in that I was out,"

This was strange, infact the more facts she gave, the more oddish the case got.

"So you have...Really no memory of where you went? Come on think,"

Elliam closed her eyes for some moments, then shook her head.

The officer sighed, she needed to know where Elliam was on Tuesday.

"I do... Though remember very short flashes of a forest,"


"Yeah, there were lots of trees and plants all around,"

The officer nodded, that was fairly enough, with this she'd ask all present in her street where and if they'd seen Elliam and that boy....

"The boy, you said his name was again?"

"Alex...Ale.. Alexander, yes that was his name."


The officer was in deep thought.

Thank you Elliam, for now you'll be under the police's eyes for safety, you're free to go now,"