Uneasy Heads.

He snapped out of the trance immediately and turned to looked at the casket, her hand was out of the casket as if reaching out to him.

He heaved a sigh of relief and lied again beside the casket this time holding tightly onto her hand.

Aboveground, in the 'room', the children had unconsciously huddled close together, under the blanket, with Ramone's torchlight switched on, casting a spread light on their sleeping bodies.


It was four o'clock in the morning and Moriah woke up from sleep, she looked around and found only two of them with Ramone no where to be found.

Moriah looked around her and still couldn't find Ramone.

There was no way she could have ran away, the room might be falling but the door was still very sturdy and strong.

So where could she be? Moriah suddenly sighted an inconspicuous shadow in a corner, she looked closer at it and noticed it moving.

Sighing she walked closer to it and asked, "Ramone?"

The figure made no response.

"Ramone, what are you doing there?!"

She turned around to Moriah.

" Hello Moriah, "

" Ramone, what are you doing there?"

" Looking at the moon.

Ramone turned back to what she was doing. She was only standing in the corner looking above where on the ceiling was a small crack through which a soft ray of moonlight shone through.

Ramone stood directly underneath it, just looking at it.

Moriah couldn't feel anything off with this and only nodded.

"The moon was just like this when she drowned, she didn't flail or scream, she just floated down to sleep soooooo peacefully,"

She said, emphasizing the 'so' in a guttural and unnatural voice.

Moriah stopped suddenly and turned to look at her.

" What?! "

" What? " The figure asked back, side eyeing her.

Just then the door opened, enough to startle them to normalcy, enough to wake up Morani and Kage.

In came Khloe and Kelp, with their stern faces and unfriendly countenances.

They took hold of the children and dragged them to the rooms. The children looked at one another, half of them still thinking they were in a wild dream but reality was harsh and children are gentle, that's why children have more dreams, a world to escape reality, than adults.

They took the children to different rooms and locked tightly the door.


The day passed differently for everyone in the school, to the rest of the children of the place, the day passed by quickly, for Elliam, well, there wasn't a day, for the mystery boy, he was unconciousness for most of it. However for those having to be punished for their wrong doings, their day went by very slowly and excruciatingly.

The orph-school was very expedient in administrating punishments. They opened you up to them, exploited your weakness and used them against you. This was the reason why they were the best private schools for nobles, because their children were always very disciplined.

It was almost dark when the servants shoved the children back into the room. They all looked worse for wear. Kage was thoroughly wet and only walked into a corner and crodown shivering from cold and trauma.

His skin looked wrinkled like he'd been in the water for too long. His tears were long dried, he couldn't let out any, anymore.

Immediately the servants let go of Morani, she tumbled to the floor, looking very dead.

Her skin was grey and sallow, and there was residues of spittle and food particles on and around her lips. She'd been vomiting the whole day until there was nothing in her stomach to puke out again and yet they kept pressing the button, over and over again. She didn't have a chance to let out any tears, as she was overcome by extreme nausea and dizziness.

Ramone and Moriah were the only ones whom looked normal.

"Morani? You okay?" Ramone squated besides Morani.

But she felt so weak, that she couldn't even groan a response. Ramone sighed and looked at Moriah.

It was well into the night now and the quad were still not asleep. Ramone's torchlight was still on, Moriah had thought fast enough to hid it.

Morani had gained a little energy so she could sit now. They were all separated into the four corners of the room.

Kage hugged his legs and stared at the floor. Morani was sat on the floor, her back on the wall, heaving doggedly, her mouth open with spittle dropping from it.

Ramone sat with one knee up, her elbow on it. Moriah sat in a perfect lotus style.

Suddenly Morani stopped breathing and was now staring at Moriah.

This movement was noticed by the rest as her breathing was really loud and annoying not to notice.

"I think she's stopped breathing," Kage said as he got up to her.

"How are you doing that?" They all turned to Moriah whom was being referred to.

Moriah turned to her then turned back.

"Frankly, I thought with how you looked and what they did to you, you would shut up and let me sleep tonight,"

Morani laughed,"Oh wow, you talk more and more every night, and I..... I-I will not keep if everyone's silent,"

"So how are you doing that? That-that thing you're doing with your legs,"

Moriah sighed disgruntled.

"The lotus position?" Kage looked at Moriah.

"Yeah....the flower position, how is she doing it?"

" Oh c'mon Morani, don't be so gullible, I think it's pretty easy to do what she did," Kage rolled his eyes at her.

" Ohh, really? Let's see it then,"

Kage although wet and shaking, spread out his legs then folded them.

" See?"

" No that's not how she did it, she put the tips of her toes, here yeah right there,"

" Both of them? At the same time?!" Kage grunted while putting both his feet near his crotch.

" Ok this is really hard, then you do it,"

" Oh no no no, I'm literally out of energy juice now, those people were more wicked this time around,"

An uncomfortable silence rested upon them suddenly.