Chapter 6

Mate Bond

This feeling of excitement and anxiety is killing me ,I knew that it was the calling of the mate Bond telling me to go find my mate ,she was near I can feel it and it was only getting worse by the second,ever since i left the dinning room every step I take ,I will feel a spark and for every spark comes the excitement and adrenaline rush and somebody wasn't making it easy "God damn it fireheart,will you control yourself, you're killing me". Gods knows he wasn't making it easy for me" I'm not the only one who's feeling it,the others aren't making it easy for me either, they're all over the place,so please, please let's just go find her,I can tell she's in a fight but she's yet to have awaken her powers, she's near Mon-El ", Fireheart replied.

"No,since she hasn't awaken yet ,then let's wait till our one thousand equinox;I don't care what you have to do if it means I don't get to feel like am walking on clouds".Still deep in my conversation with fireheart I noticed another presence and knew instantly who it was"Give me your report ",I ordered

"Eh.. you're bad brother,that is no way to greet your younger sister whom you haven't seen for three blood moon ",Nero replied her older brother in a rather sassy way.

In Zypher, the time difference is slightly different from earth...

Three grey moon on Zypher is a week on earth....

A grey moon is equivalent to two and half days on earth.....that is twelve grey moons makes four weeks on Zypher a month on earth.

Six blood moon makes a year on earth..

[A.N. At the end of every grey moon ,a blood moon appear to signify the end of that month and the beginning of the next.]

"Do you want me to repeat myself Commander Nero".

Seeing her brother speak in his signature official tone that meant business she answered immediately "Planet Crypt and Planet Zenon has been suffering from Centennial and Milliennial beasts, we've managed to push them back to their territory but despite all our efforts those damn beasts just keep coming out...


"About one quarter of both planets were affected,any it seems these aren't just any ordinary beasts they're beasts with attributes and they're supposed to be in hibernation,we have no idea as to why they're suddenly coming out now...but my guess would....,Nero suddenly paused as if contemplating whether or not she should voice out her opinion

"Would be what?",I replied obviously irritated by her silence and even though I don't want to hear it I asked anyways.

"The Phoenix",She suddenly said,I was surprised, I was expecting her to say the Martians or banishers but never the Phoenix.

"What your reason for saying that?and it better be a good one else you will regret coming back home",I said coldly,she slightly shivered and move back an inch in fear,that movement seem to give me joy as I saw the fear in her eyes.

"Uhm...She gulped..Ever since the prophecy of the Phoenix Rank A and Rank S suddenly started popping out not just on Crypt and Zenon but also on the surrounding planets who are devote followers of the Phoenix,but never did the centennial or milliennial beasts come out but recently they've been coming out and they're coming out in groups..

"So we should expect a beast wave and what else?",I suddenly cut her short "I don't want your observations, neither do I want to know the cause of the problem,what I want to know is how in tarnation's name are we solving this issue?",I asked, irritated and angry again that the gods are doing this on purpose to mess with me.

"The solution is rather simple your highness,we find your MATE ,and she solves the problem simple ",Nero replied ,stressing the word mate to show how this is indirectly my fault

"You can leave ",I dismissed her with a wave of my hand and expecting her to courtsey instead I saw a pair of boot flying towards me,only for it to turn into ash the next second,I looked at her and gave her the "what the fuck the think you're doing"stare,only to be caught off guard by her next words.

"You know you should really move on and stop treating everyone around like trash,it's not Maya's fault that she was brought into this world,it's not her fault that her mother die while giving birth to her,you knew the risk when you decided to get married to Nebular,but she's been dead for five hundred years,it's also not our fault for failing to catch the assassin and I'm also pretty sure you know who killed her yet you refuse to do anything just because there's not enough evidence,I hope this time when you find your mate you won't let her down and treat her like trash the same way you're treating Maya ",with that she turned around left leaving Mon-El staring into space and asking himself if that was how he was to everyone and the answer he got from the several beings in his body confirmed everything Nero said which made him feel like a jerk and it was troubling.

Standing at the highest place in the palace, Mon-El was once again staring at the lands in the far distance which has been painted a scarlett colour due to the sun going down still deep in his thought he once again felt that fuzzy feeling he felt earlier today but this time it was stronger he thought about resisting it but gave up on the idea and let the fuzzy and warm feeling flow through him,he began thinking what his mate would look like when he felt a presence that was very familiar he turned around with a boyish grin on his face and stared at his best friend Patek who was with a child in his arm,at first at started as a muffled sound before turning into a full blown laughter,he just couldn't help it while he was laughing Patek was doing his best to shush his best friend then he said in a very stern voice "I swear on my father's grave if she wakes up , you'll be one to carry her".That seemed to work as Mon-El stopped laughing and look at him with a serious expression obviously trying to keep himself from laughing at his best friend pathetic appearance "yh,yh,just keep laughing I can't wait for the day your mate makes you take charge of feeding and keeping your children clean".

"I'm sorry my friend but that day will never come ".

Patek looked at his best friend and shook his head then he said"Right I forgot that you're a bad father, and a man who have no interest in babies,I wonder how your mate will come with that".That seem to have touched his sore spot as his face change drastically, Patek was surprised he didn't lash out like he usually do instead what he heard left him asking if this was his best friend"Am I such a bad father? do i really treat everyone like they're trash?do I really derive joy when people fear me?".His voice was meek as if he was talking to someone who was way older than him;he really wanted to know if he has changed like Nero said

"You're not just a bad father, you're the worst father any child could wish for,what kind of father pays no attention to his child, what kind of father pushes his child away and is never in support of that child and yes you do treat everyone like trash including me,it's good to have your enemies fear you but once your family and friends start fearing it's a loss for you, cause you will be alone and trust me that not a very nice feeling,and that why we have mate no matter how bad we turn out to be they will continue to love us anyways", Patek replied,then he looked down at his child who was still asleep despite all the noise they made but then again although it takes alot of time for her to sleep she's indeed a heavy sleeper.

"My mate ?do you think she will accept me , if she founds out am such person?", Mon-El asked in a somewhat shaky voice.

"Of course,that why she's your mate , she will never leave your side,the loneliness again is enough to cripple a man's mental health not to talk of a woman,take a look at me,Nero has been gone for three blood moon and I look like sh*t while we are on the topic of mates please bring Nero back into the palace,the idea of her facing off against those beasts is killing me,if she stays a day outside this walls I might lose it",Patek said, while also complaining.

"You're afraid for her safety or you're afraid of another night with your kids",He said,a smirk on his face as he teased his friend

"both,I might die if I stay another night tending to this kids ", Patek complained .

"Well then I might as well congratulate you for your fifth child", Mon-El said with a wide grin.

"What are you talking about we only have fou....oh my god, don't tell me she's having another one,a fifth child, that's it you can officially kill me now ", Patek said in a somewhat resigned tone and Mon El laughed heartily until his friend went back to his home leaving him in a dazed with his last words"You sure are one lucky bastard ,you only have one child and yet you treat her like she isn't yours, Mon-El don't let Maya grow up to hate you cause nothing good comes out when a child hates their parents, she's a nice child and she needs you now more than ever".