Chapter 10



"Focus Kiara, you've got to do better than that", Kimberly said as she threw a side kick followed by a punch to the stomach that left Kiara breathless.

"You've got to punch harder than that Kim",she replied as she wiped away the blood on her lips, running forward she stomped her feet on the ground and from it came hundreds of spikes made of steel, sending it forward, Kimberly neatly dodged a few ,while some grazed her giving her little cuts ,seeing the blood her eyes turned yellow in that instance the spikes stopped moving and turned back heading for Kiara,she too dispelled her ability and all the spikes feel on the steeled floor.

"If it was a fight about endurance you'd win,your mc cells are infinite but when fighting against someone thrice as strong as you , you'd lose or worse you'd die,do you understand Kiara?",she asked."Hey, Kiara, Kiara ",

"Huh...what happened? I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention?".

"Yh,I know,you look lost....something troubling you?".

"I just have this weird feeling ".

"Weird feeling?what about it?".

" I don't know it's just feels like a part of me doesn't want to be here yet I just feel the need to stay;at the same time It feels like a part of me is longing for something or someone ,I don't know...sorry I'm just saying nonsense,maybe it's all in my head",she says ,but still yet that feeling just keeps intensifying.

"Hmm...I don't really know what to say,but I'm kinda thinking it has something to do with the fact that you're in love with Jayden ".

"What?no, that's not it, it's... The sound of the alarm blaring could be heard signifying an emergency at that moment both Kiara and Kimberly left the training hall.

"Worry not sir, we shall send out our best team on it",Aunty Z said to a blonde man in front of her screen, before it's went off."Stacey get team seven and eight here right now",she said through her comms.

Both team were sitted on opposite side of the conference room with Kiara explaining the situation "We don't have much time, I'd say we have about ten minutes before that meteorite crashed into the spaceship and then keep heading towards earth".

"So it's a rescue mission then?", Nate asked

"Our team will take this one ",both Max and Jayden said at once.

"My team is the best at rescue mission,we can handle it faster ", Jayden argue

"That only when you're on land ,besides none of your team mate can teleport so how are you gonna get in ",Max replied

"You're both correct but if only one team goes out there you will all die to start with, Jayden your powers aren't gonna be of any use,that meteorite has a very high concentration of dark matter in it and your lightning will only add fuel to it,the same goes for Trey,Freya, Juvia,Nate,and Max".

"What do you mean by that,even if my powers won't be helpful am still the leader which means my leadership skills will come in handy "Max Said"besides why isn't your name among the ones you mentioned earlier, there's no way am letting you go out there".

"Who are you to stop her?Kiara is a member of my team and as far as am concerned she's way stronger than you are?". Jayden said haughtily

"What the hell do you mean by that ?when was she part of team?".Max yelled.

"Will the both of you shut your trap and sit your ass down ",Aunty Z said annoyed by their constant verbal fight"I've decided,Kiara, Kimberly,Andy ,Mina ,Bella and Max will be the ones taking this mission and that's final ".

"But Aunt Z ...

"Not another word, you've lost this round Max,the caged bird has decided to spread it's wings the only thing you can do for it now is to wish her well",She left after saying those words,the rest of the group came to understand that she was referring to Kiara.

"What are you all looking at?Get ready we leave in two minutes ".Max gritted.

"That goddamn ship is gonna fall apart before the meteor comes into collision or even before we get them all out ", Top said

"She's right ,Vibe can only take two persons out at a time,what are we gonna go?,Keys concurred

"Let me go in,I can keep the ship together long enough for Vibe to get them all out", Kiara suddenly said.

"No, I'm not letting you in there,we'll just save as many as we can", Savatar replied, outrightly refusing Kiara.

"You should let her go Savatar,right now she's the only one who can hold that ship ",Top suddenly said.

"Kim,what are you...

"She's no longer a child,you saw it yourself how she defeated that level ninety five,she can handle this ",She cut him off

"Fine,but the moment you feel you can no longer hold on again, give me a sign ", Savatar said as he patted Kiara on her head"After this we're gonna have a long talk".

"Vibe, take her with you ".

"Sure Cap ".As Vibe disappeared with Kiara and appeared at the center of the ship,he left her to do her thing while he searched for the remaining survivors.Kiara got to work; touch,feel ,gain access then control,she recited in her head as she touched the ship, controlling the parts that fell of and re-joining them together this continued for three minutes when something unexpected happened,the meteor began moving forward towards her what the f*ck,we should still have atleast two minutes damn it,at this rate we're all gonna die except...."Vibe how many survivors left we don't have much time ", she said through the comms.

"I'm taking the last ones,hold on for a little bit ",he replied.They don't have much time ,Kiara knew time was running out she gave up trying to hold the ship as she focused her attention towards the meteor,as long as there's dark matter in it there's nothing I can't control was what she thought.

"I'm taking them out", Vibe suddenly said.

She could no longer hold the meteor her mc cells have depleted she barely have enough juice but she knew that even if they saved the astronauts they would still end up dieing.I can't lose anyone again she said to herself,the heat from the meteor was already burning through her suit she knew she didn't have much time left "Alex,move the ship three hundred kilometers away from the meteor",she said to the ship's AI "Ok miss Kiara".

"Hey...Kiara what do you mean by that", Max yelled.She turned and stared at her brother through her broken oxygen tank,then she smiled and said"You've been protecting me for so long brother,now let me be the one to protect you",

"What are you saying? I don't need you to protect me,dummy",he yelled"Vibe go get her out there now",he commanded but still he was still standing there.

"The f*ck are you doing Andy",he yelled at him.

"I'm trying,but I can't teleport", He replied

"The power dampners,Alex turn off the power dampners",Top suddenly said

"I'm sorry miss Kimberly but I can't".The others were already losing their mind.Those on earth watching as they saved the astronauts couldn't help but cry most especially Jayden he kept screaming at the IT team to do something.

Kiara looked at the meteorite and couldn't help but smile so this is how I die....this was the weird feeling I had earlier today then she saw a face in the meteor clutching his chest as he cried,I guess this was who that part of me wanted to see.She said with a smile etched on her face "I'm sorry big brother,for being a pain in the ass".After she said those words she unleashed the rest of her power using it to drag the meteor to her as it collided with her....boom an explosion occured followed by a blinding light ,the ship was incinerated,seeing this scene, for the second time Max cried and cried,the whole world was in silence honoring her death as Kimberly consoled Max.A little glitter followed by a red little light then it lit up a creature appeared,a flaming bird,seeing this the group went on high alert getting ready to open fire ,to them they believe it was formed from the explosion but Max knew who that was not just him,two other people also knew who that flaming bird is

"Stand down",Max ordered before he could explain the flaming bird turned into a human.A human with Scarlett hair and different tats on her skin,when the group recognized who the bird turned human was they exclaimed "Kiara!!!".