Chapter 20



The family of three sat down and await as the maids began to dish out the food .The table was filled to the brim with different delicacies,from casserole to fried lobster, mushroom soup to well cooked steak and other delicacies.

Mon El was itching to start eating,the aroma of the food was invading his senses,as soon as the maids were done dishing out the food he digged in immediately. Bringing the food to closer to him,he ate as if it was his last day in the land of the living.The way he was eating caught the attention of the two ladies dinning with him as they stared at him; their express was one of surprise and shock, they've never seen their distinguished heir to the throne eat as though he had been starved for a thousand years.They continue to stare at him, their eyes trying to bore holes in his clothes.Mon El felt that he was being watched ,he raised his head and he said without swallowing the food in his mouth making his cheeks look puffy "What?why aren't you guys eating?".

"What do you expect us to eat when you've eaten everything",Nero said trying to control herself so she won't yell or lash out at him.

He swallowed the food in his mouth then he used his hands to pick up a shrimp putting it in his mouth "What do you mean eat everything? there's still a lot of food there.....",his voice trailed when he saw there was hardly anything on the table,he cleared his throat and said "Sorry about that.....I was just so hungry so I didn't notice, I'll have the maids cook another ". Maya was dumbfounded,her father,her egotistical and prideful father apologized ;if there was any word that is beyond surprise then that's exactly how she's feeling. She could hardly ever utter any words but nod.

After the incident at the dinning table, Mon El could be seen on the deck of the ship ,he stood there just watching the dark endless space before him , shortly after Nero joined him after she finished tucking Maya to bed.

"You want to talk about what's on your mind",she asked.

He answered her without turning to face her "I saw her...I saw my mate Nero....she... she's so beautiful,more beautiful than any of the other Goddesses I've seen".

"Oh...My.....Neptunes....was it in a vision? Did the Gods showed you what she looked like?",She said in a rush.

"No....I searched for her myself...I saw her physically well maybe not physically but I was in my astral form ".

"Wow....wait what? Astral form?oh my neptunes don't tell me you moved your soul out of your body ?".

"Yeah,that is what I just said".

"Are you crazy?what were you thinking?what if something bad had happened? what if you couldn't locate your body again?That was why you were so hungry right?",she yelled at him.

"Stop yelling, Maya's sleeping. Besides I'm fine,but that is not the issue ".

"If that is not the issue then what could possibly be the goddamn issue ".

"I think she is in love with someone else ",he said as he recalled the scene where they were both dancing and he clenched his fist trying to suppress his anger.

" that why you seem worried? you're handsome and strong, besides with the mate bond it wouldn't take long for you to get her to fall in love with you",she reassured him.

" don't understand.Even with the mate bond she couldn't recognize me as her mate I was nothing but a stranger to her".