found you - mature

[A/N - adult scene]

"Hey… Are you doing that on purpose?"

Seojun angled his head so he could see Hyunwoo, the unexpected question breaking the rhythm he was building. But Hyunwoo's lack of satisfaction was apparent when he met his eyes, his next complaint only confirmed what it was that he wasn't happy about. 

"Ugh.. why are you only teasing the tip..?"


"Ha," a pop sound followed as Seojun straightened his neck, allowing his head to tilt back slightly whilst he lifted his thighs to the point his knees were supporting his whole body, "I told you I don't know how to do this so mmh—!"

He felt a sudden push on the back of his head, without a second to react, something hits the back of his throat whilst a hand firmly pressed his head down.

"Hurk—" The sudden movement made him retch as tears welled up in his eyes and his thighs dropped back down. He could only squeeze his eyelids together whilst suppressing the urge to gag again.

"Ughn, fuck…ha, relax your jaw..."

Seojun did as he was told despite his head still being held down awkwardly. The cold instructions from Hyunwoo wasn't exactly helpful in the moment, in fact it was just starting to piss him off.

"..and… ha.. breath through your nose, alright?"

"Mmm," he let out an annoyed murmur as he felt Hyunwoo's hand move away from the back of his head, descending further down instead, pausing as he reached the end of Seojun's hair. He pinched the ends of the soft black hair, breath growing heavier as if accumulating all the weight of the universe at once.

As the hint of burnt tobacco hit Seojun's nose, he bobbed his head down to avoid it, but really, it was killing two birds with one stone. A small smile to signify satisfaction spread on his face as a grunt sounded from the smoker.


In the darkly lit room, Seojun felt as if he was losing his mind. Since earlier, there had been a sliver of unexplainable pain echoing throughout his body. He couldn't pinpoint where nor when it had started despite being a medical student, the only thing he knew for sure was what he was doing now would only make it worse the next morning. It was confusing. They'd already done it yesterday so how come he was going through the discomfort all over again? It doesn't hurt as much there today though…

"..What are you… ha… so distracted by?"

Being pulled out of his thoughts, Seojun felt the thing in him reach deeper, pushing more gel onto his thighs. The sudden realisation sets him into a state of disquiet, throwing his breathing pattern into a mess.

Realising he wasn't going to get an answer, Hyunwoo lowered his body with the help with his arms, bringing himself closer to Seojun until their foreheads were almost touching, eyes on Seojun's teary face. He tilted his head, a thumb moving to wipe the tears off of him before attempting for their lips to touch, only to feel a hand block him, followed by a small shake of head. Being miffed at his rejection, Hyunwoo had no choice but to plant the kiss somewhere else.

"Ahh! Hey what are you doing!?" Seojun suddenly let out a gasp before grasping Hyunwoo's hair and yanking his head back, creating a distance between the latter and his body.

"Ow," Hyunwoo grabbed his hand before Seojun could rip any hair out. He stuck his tongue out in response to seeing Seojun's flushed face, "what do you think? You won't let me kiss you so I'll just have to put my mouth somewhere else."

He could only feel his cheeks burning in embarrassment as he firmly warned Hyunwoo not to touch his chest either.


6 years ago.

X Airport


"Oh.." Hyunwoo paused as he felt something bumping into his leg, "sor-"

"Kang Jia come back!" A voice called out as a guy ran up to the girl that had just nudged against him. 

The black haired twin-bun girl stopped as the guy caught up to her, dragging her by the small white backpack to spin her around before crouching down to her eye level, "you need to apologise if you bump into people, and stop running off, what if you get lost?" Despite only looking a few years older than her, the scolding seemed effective as the girl apologised.

"..Sorry," she mumbled, her hands fiddling with the bag strap as she stared at the floor. 

The guy next to her sighed and stood up then looked at Hyunwoo, "I'm really sorry about that." 

"Oh no don't worry about it, I wasn't looking at where I was going," he smiled politely. On a closer look, the guy seemed to be younger than him, with short black hair and a slim build. Hyunwoo's enervate eyes met a pair of bright emerald green before he quickly turned away, flustered. Slowly, His gaze trailed to the guy's hand that still held onto the bag. A circular burn mark.

Their brief exchange quickly ended as the guy apologised again before grabbing hold of the girl's hand and heading for the gate in the opposite direction. Hyunwoo stared at the back of his head until he was no longer visible. His lips parted for a moment before he pressed them together and turned to walk away as the intercom broadcasted boarding for his flight.

He's pretty.


Feeling a slight chill in the air, Hyunwoo instinctively reached his hands out to pull up the blankets. It was only when he felt as if he was using more strength than necessary did he open his eyes. Ahh..

He switched on a small light before gathering up the rest of the blanket and pulling them over Seojun then turned his body to face him. Hyunwoo lifted himself slightly, with an arm to support his chin as he stared at him. Suddenly, a wave of ecstasy washed over him as something seemed to have finally fell in place. A smile appeared on his face as he leaned in and seized Seojun's left arm.

"I finally found you," the light whisper disappeared into the air as he held it up to his mouth, leaving a gentle kiss on the scar. If it wasn't for the fact it was the middle of the night and the person besides him definitely needed all the sleep he could get, Hyunwoo probably would've squealed like a kid who just received the most anticipated toy in the world. But taking that into consideration, he was able to contain his excitement down to a grin; one that was so out of character if anyone who knew him saw, they'd think he ate something wrong.


Earlier that day

During Seojun's first mission with his official partner, HQ received words of a tail. After a quick check over everyone's schedules, it was decided Hyunwoo would take care of the sudden task.

"What? Why do I have to do it?"

At first, all he did in response was complain about how 'unfair' it was to suddenly dump work on him but after hearing who was being tailed, he switched up and started acting as if it couldn't be helped, saying how he's the only one that could handle the task anyway.

"You're so full of it…" Kei had said, clearly able to see through Hyunwoo's bull.

"I know he's piqued your interest but get the job done quickly and come back, don't approach Yuu and Kang Seojun," Haneul warned sternly.

"I know, I know."

It wasn't unreasonable for her to say that, after all they couldn't risk there being backups. Despite knowing all that, Hyunwoo was still pouty when he left, like a child throwing a tantrum.

He briefly debated with himself over whether or not to ignore his boss' warning, then finally decided it wasn't worth the risk to be yelled at just to see Seojun for a few minutes before being ratted out.

After knocking the man who had been following Yuu and Seojun out, he sent a message to Lu to transport the guy back to HQ.

"Aren't you coming too?"

"…" Hyunwoo was hesitant. He glanced around the house Seojun was in and after confirming he was there, he sighed then nodded, "yeah."


The next morning

The smell of metal entered his nose as he finally regained consciousness, all of his senses slowly returning apart from his vision as his eyes seemed to be obstructed by a black piece of cloth. The guy starts to move his arms from their uncomfortable position of being behind his back only to struggle against the thick sturdy rope. A steel door opens as sounds of discomfort leave his mouth, by the time he realised footsteps approaching him, he stopped and sat still, hoping if he couldn't see who was there, they wouldn't have seen him moving either. Clearly, that wasn't a thing as the footsteps grew louder and louder, indicating the stranger closing the distance between them, until it stopped. 

Oh fuck...

He swallowed, anticipating a punch or something typical that happens to a victim who gets kidnapped, but nothing. In that moment, he felt as if the saying all your other senses are heightened when you can't see really was true because after a few seconds of silence, he felt a hand approach him. Okay it's coming.. It's okay, they said they'll pay extra compensation if I get injured..

Luckily for him.. Well, lucky in a way other than being handed extra money, nothing that could cause injuries came, not yet anyway. The stranger simply undid his blindfold. 

A confrontation came from a deep voice before he could even adjust to the poorly lit room, "why were you following those people earlier?"

"What?" His response served two purposes; one, it was the first thing that came to his mind as it tried to process everything around him, and two, to avoid answering truthfully. 

The tactic received a massive sigh in response as the other rested a hand on his hip, "look dude, I'm really not in the mood for this so early in the morning. So you can either tell me why you were tailing our people, or I can get it out of you a different way." Hyunwoo smiled as he grabbed a taser out of his pocket, holding down the trigger as he brought it closer to the guy.

"Wait! I wasn't, I swear!" The guy yelled in response to the sparks of electricity being emitted so closely to his face. The crackling sound bounced off the walls of the deserted rooms and turned into unease as they entered his ear canal.

"Really?" Hyunwoo deadpanned.


"Oooh okay, my mistake."

The naive guy lets out a relieved sigh.

"So you just happened to follow them halfway across the city and to an area practically abandoned?"


"You can see why I'm sceptical right?"

"I- I didn't.." He trailed off, it was obvious he didn't think of an excuse beforehand. His unpreparedness however, did raise a flag to Hyunwoo.

Hyunwoo grabbed a folding chair rested against the wall and dragged it in front of the guy before sitting down, his chest faced the back of the chair after placing the taser on the floor besides him. His dull eyes looked straight ahead, on the surface it met the guy's, but for some reason it didn't feel right. The other's strained eyes shifted as a hint of crimson slowly spread across Hyunwoo's black iris. He felt his blood pressure rise as the sound of heartbeat filled his ears. His employer hadn't told him much when hiring him, but did give him a clear warning; steer clear of Roses' 'Paladin', a knight that kills by touch. Unfortunately that was all to it, he wasn't even told what they looked like, but judging by his situation... He may have just come face to face with the one person he was supposed to be avoiding. He licked his dry lips before gulping, the sound saliva travelling down was nowhere near loud enough to drown out his heart thumping. The guy's eyes squeezed shut as Hyunwoo reached a hand out yet again.

I'm so screwed!

What seemed like a life or death situation to him was nothing but amusement to the other. Suddenly, Hyunwoo laughed, pulling his hand back as he quickly regained his composure. "Tell me who sent you." He said, eyes now returning to normal. 


"You're not a part of an organisation so it's not like you'd get in that much trouble selling them out. Just tell me who it was." That was clearly a bluff, but it was effective.

The guy blinked, dumfounded. Was he given a chance? After hesitating for a few seconds, he simply decided that he was lucky and surviving this held priority to finishing the job so he opened his mouth, "I think it was some guy called Jiro, he just told me to follow a young man with white hair and gold eyes who had a wind ability or something. He didn't even tell me why and I didn't ask because I was desperate for the money."

"What did he look like?"

"He had long black hair, was quite short, I think probably around 5'5? I think he might've been in his late 20s, oh and he had his left eye shut the whole time we were talking, which wasn't very long, but he had a scar across it, like diagonally."

Upon hearing that, Hyunwoo decided it was enough to report back but as a precaution, he did give the guy a slight touch of electricity and tie the blindfolds back up.


The door to the top office cracked open, making Haneul raise her head up from the computer centered at the back of the room. 

"What's up?" She asked after realising it was Hyunwoo before turning back to the computer. 

"The tail said a Jiro, late 20s and black hair sent him to follow Yuu and he had a diagonal scar on his left eye."


"Mhm," he hummed in confirmation.

"..." Haneul's brows knitted together as she looked at him, "...alright, you can go. If you see Kei tell him to come up."

Hyunwoo nodded before turning to leave, "oh right," he paused, "Kang Seojun—"

Before he could even finish, the girl waved in approval, "yeah yeah, tell him he has a few days off."

He smiled, "thank you boss~"