"What did you want to talk about?" Hyunwoo asked.
They stopped near the reception and took a seat as Seungcheol gave an unexpected reply. "Oh, I just wanted to say thank you."
"For what?"
"For everything you've done for Hyung and for being there for him. To be honest, we were worried because neither of us had time to see him this week but since you're here, he seems to be doing okay."
"You didn't visit him this week?"
Seungcheol shook his head. "No, why?"
"Ah... I wasn't with him either, I had a work thing."
Suddenly a worried look took over his face. "So, he was alone?"
"...Actually," he glanced around and spoke hesitantly, "Hyung's not good at being by himself... Ah, sorry, never mind, I don't know if I can tell this." Seungcheol trailed off, but the part of him that was unsure conflicted with the part of him that wanted to place trust in Hyunwoo.
I feel like he could help
"We went on a family vacation one time and there was a museum Hyung really wanted to see so he asked if we could go. Dad wasn't in a good mood that day so when Hyung asked again, he just left him there for the whole day by himself. Dad then went to meet a client and Mum didn't realise Hyung was missing until we were on our way home. When we finally found him, he was cowered up in a corner, visibly shaking. That was the first time I saw Hyung so scared. He didn't talk for a week after that and Dad probably saw it as an effective punishment... he started to isolate him every time Hyung did something he didn't like, and every time, he would shut down for a few days after."
"Seungcheol, I get what you're doing but don't you think this is something I should hear from him?"
"Ah, yes, of course," Seungcheol nodded, slightly flustered. "It's just.. he doesn't realise it but I thought it's something you should know.. and," he looked up at him, "he seems to be doing better lately because of you, so thank you."
Hyunwoo stared at him for a bit then let out a small chuckle as he patted Seungcheol's head, "thanks for telling me. Head back in first."
3 years ago
Seojun let out a small sigh as he heard the locks turn. He pressed his back against the door and looked straight ahead, a clear view of the outside presenting itself to his eyes but that clear view became more obstructed as he slowly slumped onto the floor.
I was supposed to perform today.
The sound of the clock filled the otherwise silent room as he began to zone out. It was in these moments that he always felt a part of himself slip away. Isolation was his life's predator. The times he spent alone in a dark room allowed for his helplessness to develop and by now, it had become a feeling that hung itself around him.
His hands grew colder as the tears fell and even though he was alone, Seojun still kept quiet. It was his own way to comfort himself. To convince himself that if he couldn't hear it, there is no one who can say it happened.
He winced as a sudden pain in his palm brought him back to reality. He looked down at the blood that stained the tip of his thumb then leaned his head back, taking a deep breath.
With the afternoon sun shining on his eyes, Seojun who had fallen asleep unexpectedly woke up. He got up and stretched a little, massaging his now sore neck.
Those two should be back soon.
Just then, he heard a sound from the window. Seojun walked over and opened it quietly then smiled to himself.
"I told you to be quiet!" Jia whispered as Seungcheol slowly lifted his feet off the branch and mouthed a 'sorry'.
Seojun laughed, "what--"
"What are you two doing?"
"You know you're not allowed to talk to him."
Jia and Seungcheol exchanged a glance with each other.
"But it's his birthday.." Jia mumbled.
Their mum looked at the cake between their hands and slowly relaxed her brows. "...Ah... is it the 22nd already?" She mumbled in a volume only audible to herself. There was a strange look on her face and it took her a moment but she gave a small nod, "your father won't be home tonight. I'll go get the key for the study."
"Jia, did you come to see me or to play games?"
The girl sat on the bed glanced up at him then turned back to her phone, "be patient, I'm almost done with this round," she grinned as the victory animation played on her screen then switched to a messaging app.
"... Do you not see me?"
Jia rolled her eyes, "just give me a second, my friend sent me something... By the way Oppa, are you dating that guy?"
"He asked you out already? Well I guess it's not that surprising."
"Huh? No, he didn't ask me out."
She stopped typing and looked at him, "so you're not dating?"
"Are we not?"
"If he hasn't asked, then it's not official, no? Maybe he's the type that wants you to make the first move. You know, so he knows you like him back or something." Jia shrugged, her focus turning back to her phone as Seungcheol walked in.
"Hyung, Hyunwoo Hyung said we should get ready."
"Oh right, where is he?"
"He's talking to the doctor."
"You could've told me you were going to see my mum," Jinyoung said as he handed Hyunwoo the medical form to sign.
"Haha, I didn't plan it or anything, it just happened because I missed Auntie's cooking."
"Do you know how happy she was to see you? She wouldn't stop talking about you this morning, it's like she's forgetting I'm her son."
"If you ease up on the nagging maybe she'd talk about you more, you know?"
Jinyoung laughed, turning to the front desk as he heard a small commotion.
"What's going on?"
"Doctor Lee, it's about your surgery for Mrs Kim, it looks like there was a problem with the payment."
"There isn't! I told you I can pay!" The girl shouted in frustration, almost in tears. Her hand trembled on top of the desk with a card in her grasp.
Hyunwoo who had been reading through the form suddenly paused as he recognised the voice. The voice he hadn't heard for a while, the one that refused to speak to him ever again. A sense of familiarity yet someone he knew less of than a stranger. His sister.
She turned to Hyunwoo's voice and froze. Jiwoo's hands squeezed the card as she stared at him with wide eyes. Only Hyunwoo knew what she was thinking in that moment and only he could understand the hatred in her eyes which was why he couldn't do anything as she stormed off.
Hyunwoo spoke in a small voice as she disappeared, almost ashamed he didn't stop her. "Jinyoung, what's the surgery for?"
"Her hips... Auntie didn't tell you?"
He shook his head.
"Don't you think it's about time you go see them? It's been a while... Jiwoo's school is holding a festival soon, it'd be good if you spent some time together."
Jinyoung sighed, "I got to go, just think about it."
"-woo, Hyunwoo?"
"Oh," Hyunwoo looked up as the siblings stood by him, staring with a confused look. He let out a small sigh then gave them a smile, "you guys ready?"
"Mm. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Come on, let's take you guys home."
Hyunwoo took a deep breath before pressing on the call button. His mind raced with thoughts of guilt in rhythm with each ring. Even after all this time, he was still a coward.
A gentle voice answered as the call connected. "Hello? Hyunwoo-ah."
How long had it been since the last time he'd heard her spoke? Even though he couldn't see her, Hyunwoo knew exactly how she would be looking at him right now. A face of worry, partly for him, and partly for failing him.
"I saw Jiwoo today, at the hospital. Why didn't you tell me?"
"We know you're busy so I told her to keep it from you. What's the point in making a big fuss over this?"
"Mum, you're going into surgery. Even if you don't want to make it seem like a big deal, it still is."
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. I'll be sure to tell you next time."
Hyunwoo sighed.
"Have you been doing well lately? Has work been hard?"
"No, it's been the same as always. I won't do anything dangerous so don't worry."
"That's good. Make sure you eat proper too, alright?"
Hyunwoo chuckled to himself. Somehow the call meant to check in on her had turned to her asking about him. A mother's concern for her child will never change, no matter how undeserving the child thinks they are to their love.
"I know, I'm not a kid anymore."
"I know... It's late, I should let you get going now. Take care of yourself, Hyunwoo-ah."
"Mm. Goodnight, Mum."
Hyunwoo took a deep breath as the call ended. He didn't want a reminder of the past, he didn't know if he was even ready to face it but he knew he couldn't run away forever.
Still, what would you think of me if you knew?
"Festival?" Seojun mumbled at the message Hyunwoo had sent.
"What is it?" Jia took an obvious look at his phone then grinned, "wait you can totally use that to your advantage."
"I'm just saying. Okay, imagine this, after a long day of walking around, you're both tired from like the minigames and haunted houses or whatever they do, right? So you decide to take a rest somewhere quiet. You're sat on a bench whilst the sun is setting and the festival is still going on in the background and whilst his guard is down, you strike!" She pointed dramatically. "Confess your feelings and hit him with the question! Oh, how romantic."
"You've been reading too many stories," Seungcheol shook his head.
"Besides, I don't think Hyunwoo Hyung's the type to like such.. clichés?"
Jia gasped, "how dare you! My plan is not cliché!"
Somewhere in an abandoned office building in Berlin, Kei had to clean up the mess Hyunwoo left for him. Babysitting Rafael was one thing but dealing with the group of people after him was a whole separate and arguably more tedious task. Not in the sense he couldn't do it or it was difficult, just he couldn't be asked. But money is money and Haneul asked him for this so what could he do?
"What the hell… How.." The last guy conscious muttered as Kei's hands reached for him. The red hair stood in the centre of the room with the man's companions all on the ground whilst it didn't look like there was a single scratch on him. Only thing that tainted his otherwise put together appearance was the trace of blood from other people on the white collared shirt.
Kei tilted his head then smirked. He raised a finger against the guy's forehead and dropped his lifeless body on the ground, turning his face sideways to avoid the blood splattering right onto him. "How unlucky, if you guys pulled this off sooner, he would've definitely let you live."
But then again, I'll always look like the bad guy next to Hyunwoo.
"Haneul~ I have a present!" Kei said as he opened the door to the house. Being greeted with the echoes of his voice then silence, his arm that held up a small bag dropped by his side.
"What the… she's still not back?" He grumbled then suddenly remembered something. "Haru, where are you?" He called in a sweet tone. He heard footsteps and turned around, crouching down with his arms out as a golden retriever waddled up to him excitedly. He scooped the puppy up and brought it over to the kitchen, "you must be hungry."
The puppy whined as if it was agreeing with him.
Kei chuckled. "Your mum's not back yet so I'll feed you."
After pouring the dog food onto the bowl, Kei had a sudden idea. He stroked the dog as it began to scoff down the food then suddenly grinned, "hey, what do you think about luring your mum home?"
Haru raised it's head then barked at him.
Haneul massaged her temple as she closed another tab on her computer. "Ok, just one more left. Let's see.. tracking down a spirit communicator… Don't they mean a medium?" She mumbled to herself as her phone pinged.
Kei: -1 attachment-
Kei: Your son misses you
Kei: Hurry home
She gushed over the picture but quickly looked up as she heard a knock on the door.
"Boss, it's the people from Aphids." Lu said.
She groaned and banged her head against her desk like a student protesting more work. "..Give me five minutes," she mumbled unwillingly.
Haneul quietly unlocked the front door and changed into her slippers. Yawning as she stumbled towards the bedroom, her bag that dropped on the floor along the way woke Haru up who quickly ran towards her, panting happily as she bent down and petted him.
"Hi Haru… I'm home," she yawned again as he wagged his tail and circled her, making her laugh weakly. "Is your dad asleep?"
Haru barked then started leading her towards the living room. He stopped by the foot of the couch as she rubbed her eyes.
Kei was passed out on the couch, clothes still unchanged and with an arm dangling off. Even so, he was sound asleep.
A part of Haneul wanted to wake him up just to give him a scare but she was too tired to do it. She knelt down as her eyes grew heavy and whispered a 'goodnight' but before she could fall asleep, Haru had dragged the bag over to her and jumped onto the couch.
"Huh…? What.." Despite her tiredness, Haneul still took a look at the bag because of how eager Haru looked. She squinted her eyes as she felt something crimple and slowly took it out.
"You're finally back," Kei sat up and held Haru in his arms, trying to calm him down.
Haneul gave a nod.
Kei pointed at the bag then told her to unwrap it. "It's that dress you wanted."
She held the dress up then blinked a few times, "I already bought it."
"Tch." He clicked his tongue but felt something wasn't right as she smiled. "…What?"
Haneul shook her head and stood up. "Nothing," she said as she walked to the bedroom. Haru quickly jumped out of Kei's arms and followed behind her.
"Huh? Hey, wait, why are you laughing?"
"I'm not!"
He caught up to her who was in the midst of holding her laughter and gave her a puzzled look. "You are. What is it?"
She looked away then suddenly burst into laughter so intense she had tears. If Kei wasn't holding onto her arms, they would be around her stomach at that point. "You are so stupid."
During the moment he was trying to understand what she meant, Haneul pushed his hands off and flopped onto the bed.
"Wait, what do you mean?"
She mumbled something.
Haneul turned to look at him, "bed time."
"What?" Then something clicked. He rolled his eyes, "you didn't already buy it, did you?"
She smiled again and pressed her face against the mattress. "Go to sleep!"
He nodded but paused for a moment, bringing up a topic neither of them wanted to talk about. "… How was the meeting?"
"..." She sighed, "don't worry, we get to see him tomorrow."