She came here before?

(May: Do you guys want to have a double wedding?

Renie and Lorant bombastic side eyed her.)

Lorant: Man, I respect you James. Who would have believed this day would happen. Do you know how much she curses at you? This is what we get at the end of all the big talks. But I am proud of you guys, you finally sorted things out.

Renie: Why are you making it sound like that? (*awkward*)

Lorant: Bae, I am just congratulating you guys. 11 years and finally there is a ring on your finger, bae. I believe You should be very happy.

Renie: Why are you making it a big deal?

Lorant: I am not.

Renie: Also we just started dating.

Lorant: But you guys a are middle school sweethearts. If you could wait for each other for that long you will eventually get married.

James: He is not wrong.

Lorant: Bae, anyway I also have something to tell you.

Renie: What is it?

Lorant: May and I are getting married.

Renie: What?! (Shocked*

Lorant: I hope you will accept her.

Renie: If you marry her of course I will accept her, but I just don't understand. You guys just met.

Lorant: We have similar interest when it comes to marriage.

Renie: Then as you wish, bae. (Looks at James* We are staying here today.

James: Why? You have a house (points at Renie* and I have a house (points at himself*.

Renie: But honey, this is the first couple day for all of us let's have a sleep over.

James: Lorant, you agree to that?

Lorant: I really don't have a say.

James: May, you agree to this?

May: If my fiancé agrees then me too.

James: I guess I don't have a choice either.

Renie: I will get the guest room ready. (Stands up and runs to the guest room*

James: She slept here before?

May: Obviously.

Lorant: I- I will go get dinner ready. (Stands up and walks to the kitchen*