After killing all the scavs and looting their bodies, Jason acquired a dying light pistol and let his nanites take all the chrome from them.
{Take their data shards too, I can hack them to get info about other scavs camps and also eddies.}
After looting all the corpses he kept walking towards the road that leads to night city.
While walking he keeps talking to his cyberself.
'Do you have any info about that girl who sold me out?'
{ Now is not the time to go after her. From my analysis , she might have been taken over by Ai long before she met you. Her whole personality might have been an Ai used to keeping an eye on you.They wanted to understand your secrets by getting close to you.}
'You don't know that for sure.'
Because of his cyberself removing most emotions he felt towards his past relationships, he was not going crazy about some girl that betrayed him ,no less.
But he still wanted answers.
'These Ais are hiding and we don't have any clue who they have taken over, she is one of our only ways to get more information.'
{Regardless of what I or you think, we can be sure that , night corp will be keep an eye on her as a bait ,so we can't confront her either way, not when we are a newbie.You need to get some experience wiping out entire fractions on the streets before we play with big corpos.}
'I agree but we need more allies.'
{Yes , but finding reliable people in this city is tough, most would sell you out for some eddies not to mention, the AI can take over most people , the bigger the group the easier it becomes to exploit, unless we find something to protect them. Otherwise we are bringing them to certain death.}
Jason pinched his temple,'Ughh…'
Jason looked towards the bright white moon in the middle of the sky, dark clouds slowly moving towards it.Soon it will be completely covered.Covering this landfill in darkness.
His best ally will always be himself , with the system he can rise to heights nobody has ever reached.This time he can't just stop with "safe enough", he has to reach a level where anyone will think twice before messing with him or his close allies.
'You are right ,we should focus on ourselves. Can the skin implant you bought disguise us?'
{Yes, it is one of the reasons I took it over the more defensive model.I have already set it to your previous life's face as its model.}
Jason took a broken glass from the trash.Reflected on it was an above average face with green eyes , his hair is black , his face looks pale white like all the blood on it was drained from it. His eyes had a reddish hue to them.
He commanded the nanites to change his face,a ripple spread throughout his face as it changed to his previous life's appearance.
His face became less pale ,his eyes became black,his face structure changed accordingly.
It looked exactly like his previous life.
When he was first reborn here , the original owner of this body was dead.
[Life of Original Jason]
From the original owner's memories, he found out he was victim of a group who took people and put them through different torture scenarios to record XBDs of their experiences.
The original owner had a single mother who ran a food stall, also worked as a cleaner part time to earn enough to send him to arasaka academy.He wanted to see his mother happy, so he studied hard to get a scholarship.It was the happiest day of their life when he got it.
His mother even bought him an expensive virtual console for his studies.Although he had different plans for it.
He was going to become a streamer and earn lots of money to take his mother to a better place to live in.
But before any of their dreams were able to come true.
They got kidnapped by the black market XBDs gang.
He was put in a padded cell and starved for a day or two.
Then he would put on an arena with similar teenagers to fight, whoever lives gets the food.
He was desperate to see his mother, so he agreed with his captors to fight as long as they let him see his mother by the end of the month.
He was naive to say the least.
When the time came they did take him to see her.
In a cell that looked like it was made for animals rather than for humans.His mother was lying on the ground naked. He opened the cell and ran to her side. And called to her ,when she slowly opened her blank eyes , staring at him for a long time .Her first words were.
"I am sex doll number 06895 . How can I be your service master?"
The gang members outside the cage laughed out loud.
His mothers the bruised body , her blank stares,the laughter of their captors, broke something in him.
In a fit of anger, he rushed out and attacked the closest gang member, but sadly he was just a teenager with no combat implants.
The gang member just dodged and hit him on the head . He fell to the ground his vision blurring as he passed out.
Hello,I am a new writer on the block. I am trying to improve as I write more. All feedback and comments are appreciated. Will at least write 50 chapters that's current my goal.
I need your feedback to learn where I can do better.
Please give me power stones and leave a review.