The sky is covered in orange hue of dusk, near the entrance to the landfill, workers of the landfill are walking home.
Near the exit a group of workers surrounds a man, he is standing on a broken table, and giving a speech.
"Listen, are you people really satisfied with your life right now?Collecting trash, living like trash, being treated like trash are really happy with that.Do you not want basic human dignity?To be treated with respect for the work you do?We are cleaners of this city, we clean their trash that otherwise would have caused who knows how many diseases , we make this city liveable,so in the upcoming representative election vote for me and, I will give you the dignity you deserve."
"Before leaving you can collect food coupons from my friend, Ryan, here."
Murmurs can be heard in the crowd as they talk among themselves , "Do you really believe what he says?", "Who cares, I am just here for the coupons.", "I think what he says makes sense you know.", "Do you think the owners gonna listen if we really followed him?", "We have to do something to get better treatment , otherwise we really will be wasting our lives here."
Getting their coupons Mari and Celine,two workers,followed the road to the exit, Mari suddenly asked, " How long do you think this guy is going to last ?"
Celine answered her, "Probably until the owners select their candidates."
"You are a long time employee, do you know something? come on tell me",Mari looked at her curiously.
"Well, this whole election is just a farce, the owners will select their own candidate and make a campaign , those people will have a bigger budget, they can promise things like extra salary for this month or discount at the hospital."
"This guy can't compete with them on his worker salary, he has probably used his savings or maybe taken a loan for this, but it's useless. If he gets more popular he might be killed and that's the best scenario.If he can't be more popular than their candidates, they can just manipulate the votes a little and nobody can say anything."
"Anyway, they control all the money that flows here, they can just delay your salary until you agree with them, bribe the police to trouble you. The only reason he is still being allowed is because it's just entertaining for them."
Hearing all this Mari gets depressed, "sign…so there is no way of things getting any better."
Seeing friend getting depressed, Celine said with a hopeful tone, " At least we have enough to have food on our table,right?"
"Damm it, maybe we should just join some gang to get better pay, I don't want my life to end in this trash heap." Mari said, stomping her feet.
"Ha…what gang is going to take a coward like you.I have to walk you home everyday."
"What!! That's just because I am afraid something will happen to you and I am just protecting you." defended Mari.
Suddenly Mari said, "Shut up for a moment, do you hear that?"
Not hearing anything Mari said , "hear what?"
Celine turned around, the coupon distribution was still going on,She looked at the road , at the end she could see the sun setting, she squinted her eyes, a small black dot was getting bigger.
It was a small truck rushing at high speed and soon it became visible to everyone.
Sounds of gunfire can be heard , behind the truck other cars became visible chasing it.
Someone Shouted , "Run for cover!!"
"We have to find cover, let's go", Celine says turns to her friend.
Mari looks at the cars rushing in her direction, and hearing the sound of gunfire,her legs freeze.
Celine, knowing her friend's condition, takes her hand and rushes to the cover.
Inside the small black truck, Jason is driving the car as fast as possible.
During their journey , he had run in with another scav group, they recognized the ride but not him so , they called for backup and now he is in this situation.
There are probably fourty plus scavs in this group.Killing scavs is not a big deal, killing so many in this group will have a lot of information brokers curious about him.
One day after he disappeared in the landfill, someone with such skill appearing here might put this place on the radar of night corp.
Looking at the cars catching up, he decided to slow them down a little.
{Let me drive the car, you slow them down.}
Jason,let Dawn control the car, he took out his dying light pistol.
One of the scav cars has come very close to the truck, a scav peeked out of the window aiming his gun at the truck.
Before he could pull the trigger, Jason peeked out of the car window and fired two shots.
One hit the man,who got thrown out as the car steered sideways and the other penetrated into the front of the car and hit the engine and it blew up.
The car slowed down and went out of control.
It crashed into other cars that were trying to get past it.
A blockade that covered nearly half the road was formed , the other cars had to slow down , and pass from the other side of it.
Jason got back into the car, took control back from Dawn and hit the gas.
The car sped up , some of the scavs managed to get out and chased after him.
Soon Jason was out of the landfill and into Night city.
"Find a route we can lose them,Dawn"
{On it, take a left from here.}
{Take a right here}
{Get into the underground parking of the building on your left.}
Jason did as it told him to and stopped the car inside the parking lot.
"Now what?", asked Jason.
{Let me check the outside cameras. }
{They split up and are all roaming around the area, one of them is coming in this direction, oh looks like they are coming here.We need to get ready for a fight.I switched off all the cameras here and lights.}
"Okay", Jason got out of the car and hid in a blindspot.
Soon the scavs drove in and five of them got out,the leader scav questioned one of them, "Why the hell did you bring us here?"
The grunt replied, "Boss this is the only parking spot on this road,there is a high chance they will be hiding here."
"If I don't see him here , you're dead meat for wasting my time.Look for the car,go!!",said the Scav leader .
The scavs started searching and soon they found the car.
"Good job, he might still be here, look for him."
Seeing the car has been found the grunt, let out a sigh , "Saved"
The parking lot was dark and all men were searching with torch lights.
Jason waited for them to spread out.
Then he started hunting them one by one.
He would quickly come from their blindspot and take them out when others are not looking. Like this he killed two of them.
When they realized something was wrong, it was already too late.They gathered together.
"Come out!!",the leader of the group shouted .
Before any of them could react a bullet tore through the head of one of the scavs.
The other two started firing in that direction. They had automatic pistols.Soon their bullet ran out.
"Give me a mag", the boss asked the smart grunt.
"I…left it in…the car boss.",the scav grunt stammered and said fearfully.
"Useless bastard",the boss shouted at the grunt and ran for cover.
The grunt turned his back and ran to their car, " I am gonna call backup dont worry boss."
He took a few steps before his legs were shot, he fell down.He turned around only darkness was surrounding him but he knew something was looking back at him.
He was taking heavy breaths, he used his other leg and hands to crawl towards the car.
Before he could reach it a bullet hit his head and he fell to the ground unmoving.
Jason was going to look for the leader now.
Suddenly from his left side the leader rushed out.
Before Jason could aim his gun , the leader was already in range and he punched towards his face.
Jason dropped down and dodged him and jumped back to create some distance between them.
"Hahahaha…you rat where are you gonna run now", the scav leader said as he followed Jason not giving him a chance to create distance.
Seeing the situation ,Jason put the gun away and got into close range.
Dodging another punch,he made a motion to punch the scavs chin,but he dodged it by moving a little back, Jason's mantis blade extended from his hand and slashed separating the scav from head to chest vertically in a V shape.
Having dodged the punch he was unbalanced and did not expect the mantis blade as Jason skin looks normal because his implants are from nanites and can make them disappear when not in use.
Standing in the dark parking lot surrounded by bodies of his enemies made him feel a little nostalgic.
{Welcome back to Night City,Jason.},said Dawn.
"When someone is talking out loud"
'When some one is thinking'
{Dawn Cyberself of MC talking}
Dawn=cyberself of Jason(MC)
"pp"=perk points.
My schedule is getting hectic so I will be writing 1 chapter every two days. That's all for now. Thanks for reading.
I am a new writer, please give me feedback.
Comment below how did I do and what could I have done better storywise?
My english is still not perfect so dont bash me too much on that.
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Thank you for reading my fanfic.
Leave a review and gimme me power stones.