
The school ended just like that, the grounp met again at the school gate, the rest of the students left too, crowding the gate.

"Yoohooo, hell finally ended!!"

Topaz yelled, everyone looked at her but she didn't care because she was with her friends who was weirder than her.


Vinter came from behind smiling, Bibi and Alastor smirked while Enzo was trying to make his headache better because his friends were mad.

"Hey guys, let's go eat something in Sister Rahlie's shop I'm hungryy"

Bibi recommended and of course they said yes because they too were hungry.




after sometime of walking they reached Rahlie's shop, it's a shop that sells almost everything eatable from candies to noodles at a cheap price which is surprising because the things sold there is extremely tasty.

"Excuse us"

Enzo said politely as they all sat down.

"I'll have a bowl of noodles!"

"Me too"

Bibi and Vinter said in their usual energatic tone

"I'll take a cheesecake, a small one!!"

Topaz said as she kept her backpack on the ground.

"I'll just have Candy apples. Three."

Alastor said as he leaned on the wall besides him—not many knew he liked sweet things, and only Rahlie, the owner of the small shop that sells almost every candy and etc, Enzo and Topaz knows he likes sweet things, so when he asked for Candy apple Bibi and Vinter got a small heart attack.


"I'll have a cup of just normal noodles"

Enzo said cutting Bibi off knowing that she'll say something stupid and start a fight with Alastor, but asides that he paid for the food as he's the rich one in the group, he's the perfect leader of the group.

They all started eating, Topaz was sweating because of Vinter who was staring at her while eating his noodles, and also because of Bibi staring at her while smiling like the weirdo she is hoping that Topaz and Vinter will share the noodles.

They all enjoyed that moment of eating, especially Enzo because even if he had the most chaotic friend group, at least he had real friends and for once they weren't making him lose his patience...

After eating they stayed back for some more time, playing around and everything annoying eachother.

"Hey guys, we should all out one day, maybe in the weekends ya knoww"

Topaz smiled brightly as she said it proudly, Bibi leaped on her like a frog and ruffled her hair.

"Why not Potato! we can go to Uranus too!"

Bibi made the joke, that they all understood, Topaz staring at Bibi making the face that said 'are you being for real?' Enzo doing the facepalm, Vinter laughing at the simple and dirty joke while Alastor trying not to laugh.

"Bibi... please don't make such jokes, it's not appropriate..."

Enzo tried to get Bibi off Topaz because she was having a hard time breathing due to Bibi hugging her tightly.

"Ah, and let's not make the hang out this weekend because I have to go and drop my grandparents at the train station this saturday."

Vinter raised his hand as he said that simple sentence, and Enzo too said something,

"I'll agree with Vinter. I also have some other work on sunday."

"Hm, so the next week it is."

Topaz place her index finger on her forehead

"Oh! Alastor and Bibi, you guys have no plans the next week right?"

"Nopee, I'm free all the timeee"

Bibi said as she spun round and round while holding her bag.

"Same here"

Alastor said as he puts his arms behind his head.

"Okkk! Let's on next weekend, saturday, we'll meet each other near the park, the one we meet up everytime"

Topaz said as she kept her hands in her hips.

"Ok, I'll go now, my cat might become lonely it I don't go." Alastor too his bag and started walking back.

"We'll meet again in school, bye" Topaz said,

Alastor did the goodbye-wave as he left.

The other's too waved him off,

" Hey guys, I'll go too"

Topaz said, and of course Enzo was worried, he looked at Bibi and because Bibi noticed that Enzo was telling her to drop Topaz off she blinked twice to tell that she got it.

"Heyyy Hey, Topaz, I'll drop you alright? and why don't Vinter come too? our houses are quite near isn't it?"

Bibi winked at Vinter telling him to come so that he can stay with Topaz more and try to get closer.

"Enzo, we'll be heading off alright, byee"

Vinter smiled before the three of them left and Enzo left too.


"I'll have to go to the hospital to visit that woman too..."

Enzo thought before looking slightly sad before he ran to the hospital.




"Excuse me, I'm here to meet madam Dahlia again..."

Enzo informed the nurse and the nurse nodded before telling him that the visiting time will be over soon.

"o-oh, I see, thank you very much for telling me ma'am."

Enzo nodded before he rushed to the room '3012 ' and opened the door entering to meet his...