Chapter- 12



Bibi declared as she entered the class, almost everyone from the class stared at Bibi.

"hahah, welcome back but don't be so loud, someone is sleeping "

Vinter said, sitting on Alastor's bench because Alastor sits on the window stool, Topaz and Enzo sitting on their benches and Bibi taking someone else's seat and sitting when they meet up in section C, and when meeting up in section B, Alastor still sits on the window sto, Bibi sitting in her bench, Topaz in Vinter's seat as Vinter offered her his seat, and, Enzo and Vinter standing.

"Bet you'll are glad to see my face?"

Bibi smiled and looked at Topaz

"Eh? She's sleeping?" Bibi pointed it out, the rest looked too.

Vinter smiled while looking at Topaz and told himself in his mind that she looked very cute while sleeping

"bro have a limit for your imagination..."

Bibi said in a weird tone because every single person kinds couples weird cuz they single.

"It's winter soon right, that means winter holiday is coming." Alastor looked out the window, at the cloudy sky.

"Two more weeks before winter break, did you guys know?"

Bibi and Vinter looked at Enzo,giving him the look that said 'wait what?' except Alastor because he already knew it.

"You two didn't know?" Enzo asked which the two of them replied to by saying nah.

"But still, can't believe we are actually getting winter break is till February."

Vinter said

Enzo nodded by saying it is because this winter will be extremely cold this time.

"Right... and our FINALS will be in March!" Bibi grumbled as she leaned back.

"We all know."

Said Alastor who threw the juice bottle outside the window.

*Ring.... Ring...ring!"

"Anyways, let's meet in the cafeteria"

Vinter said as he went to his class after Bibi.




"We will be reviewing on French Revolution, the last chapter. So open your books to page 122 and copy down this—"

The History teacher, Sir Atlas, announced as he turned to the white board, and started writing on the board with a marker.

"Alastor, give me a pen, I forgot to bring..." Topaz whispered to Alastor and if course the teacher heard.

"Topaz, why did you don't bring your pen?" Sir Atlas asked, he wasn't looking at Topaz though, he was still writing on the board.

"uh... my little elefant broke it..."

"That is very unfortunate, but I give you a second chance, don't let youe elefant break t it anymore." The teacher sighed, tired of the stupid and childish excuses which was obviously on purpose.


Topazr said as she got a pen from hed bench mate, not Alastor, he was sitting in the middle row, first bench because the teacher told him to sit there.

"Ok, so..."

"bla bla bla bla bla, this and that over here and there--"

anyways, let's see what happens during the lunch break, the classes were to boring.


Bibi waved at Enzo and Vinter who were the last to come, as Alastor, Topaz and Bibi were already sitting with their lunch.

Enzo sat next to Alastor and Vinter who sat down next to Topaz as there was space between Topaz and Bibi, it was Bibi who intentionally kept the space.

After Bibi finished eating her lunch she kept it on the counter. Alastor doesn't eat lunch often, only sometimes.


Topaz's phone rang as she picked her phone up from the table, her expression changed slightly, from her usual bright one to just a stiff (?) one.

"It's alright Topaz, we'll wait for you"

Enzo said as he smiled, he stood up holding his lunch, and went to keep it back

Topaz smiled as she picked the call and dashed outside the cafeteria.

"You two saw that too right"

Alastor said as he paused his game and he also leaned towards the table.

Vinter and Bibi nodded in reply saying that they saw Topaz's expression change.

"Do you think it's something related to family? I saw some letters it said 'M-o-t' or something, I dunno"

Vinter told the two of them, as Enzo wasn't there.

"It might've been Mother because there's 'M-o-t' in mother."

Bibi whispered back

"But why not mom? Is she not that close with her mother ?"

Vinter was concerned yet curious... same went for Bibi and Alastor,

"Maybe issues, or problems interacting with her family, she also said she isn't that fond of her mother."

Alastor added, and after sometime Enzo came back as he sat down, listening for a while before he spoke.

"I don't think we should discuss about this, it may be private to her." Enzo said, which meant that they shouldn't talk about it, the three of them went back to their own side of the bench, maintaing their posture and waited for Topaz to come back, after 5 or 6 minutes Topaz came back.

"Haha! I'm back, it took kind of long" Topaz laughed it off as the other's joined her too.

"Not gonna lie I thought you went to the bathroom and shat or something"

Bibi said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Ah- I forgot to keep this thing back-!"

Vinter said as he stood up, holding the lunch tray, then rushing to keep it back and he came back at full speed so that he doesn't miss anything.

Vinter cleared his throat and smiled

"I tought of complaining to spotify because you were not being named this week's hottest single."

Vinter looked at Topaz as she gave him the look that said 'Thats not going to work bro'

"If you're confessing I reject."

"...eugh..."Bibi grumbled, as she already had her phone on record so that she could've captured it on camera if Topaz accepted or even blushed! just slightly was enough for Bibi...

"your pick up lines are not going to work, it's very dry." Alastor said giving Vinter his usual expression.

*Ring..! Ring..! Ring..!*

The bell rang meaning the lunch break was over, the students in the cafeteria either rushed out to their classes or just casually walked out.

"I'm going to skip class."

Alastor said, and of course Bibi said the same "me too, Physics is a no no"

The other couldn't skip class because of the fact that they had test. "Guess we can't skip,, we have Biology test today." Vinter said scratching the back of his head.

"It's alright!, good luck on your test three of you."

Bibi gave them thumbs up before she went with Alastor, to the school backyard from different ways to see which way is shorter because they need to check.

"Give me." Alastor extanded his hand at Bibi, asking for a cigarette.

"How about a no?" Bibi grinned, seeing how Alastor will react and of course he was annoyed, knowing Alastor, he will probably kill her because he follows gender equality, so Bibi gave him two cigarettes.

"I gave you two, now you gotta buy me a can of soda."

Bibi smriked while Alastor rolled his eyes saying he won't.