Chapter- 14

"Hm? where's Bibi?"

Vinter asked as Enzo noticed it too.

"Wasn't she with you?"

"She went to the bathroom, she said she'll be back in while."

Alastor said because he knew that Topaz will probably say she just went somewh which may cause worry because it's not safe for a teen to just to somewhere alone where there's many people, kidnapping may even happen...

"Ah? is that so, than shall we...-"

Enzo paused, as he turned back, to see Bibi.

"Sharp huh"

Bibi said as he took out a handkerchief and wiped her hands.

"Did you enjoy your time in the bathroom"

Vinter asked smiling, as he handed Bibi's snacks to her, to which she was delighted too.

"Yea man, but let's go on a rollar coaster first!"

Bibi said as she took Topaz with her to the rollar coaster. The boys followed the two of them as they marched to the ride after handing the ticket.

The Quintet sat down in the ride, and soon the ride regan...

There's was no fear or nervousness, but when the ride was going up many felt nervous and... when the ride went down at a high speed people were scared to which they shouted. A man shouted,


The reason may be because the man was forced on the rollar coaster ride by his girlfriend because he was scared of rollar coaster, and a women that was next to him, probably his girlfriend Emily shouted by saying what, the man repeated himself...


Emily... the girlfriend was flabbergasted... the people in the ride was flabbergasted too... and because of that there was no screaming except for Vinter and Bibi laughing... they were laughing because of the breakup but the people thought they were laughing because the ride wasn't scary for them, except for Enzo, Alastor and Topaz because they knew those two were laughing because of the breakup, Alastor wanted to laugh to buy because Enzo was next to him he controled it...

After the ride the two couples could be seen arguing, the girlfriend looked like she was begging him not to leave but it seems the boyfriend made up his mind... he wasn't going to stay with Emily anymore...!

"But Microphallus...! I didn't know you were that afr-!"

Emily was cut off by Microphallus!!

"I already told you NO! you already KNEW!!"

"NOOO~!!!! BUT BABYY I-!?!"

Emily was cut of AGAIN!



Emily shouted... the word Pregnant echoed through the whole amusement park... it was all quite now... even Microphallus was shocked!

"Yes! I'm carrying your child!! That day we went to your sister's house and did it in the attic!!!"


Microphallus yelled!!!

"What?! Noo!! I didn't!! How could you doubt me!!"

Emily begged Microphallus...

"That's because I'm INFERTILE!!"

Microphallus yelled yet again!! Emily was CAUGHT!!


Enzo was feeling quite dizzy so be went to the washroom and came back.

"I'll give all of you tickets-"

Enzo was cut off by Topaz, "AND LET'S SEE WHO GETS THE MOST PRICES!!"

They were all hyped because they wanted to win so Enzo quickly handed the tickets and they went different ways, but Enzo went with Topaz because he knows that the other's can protect themselves but because Topaz looks... weak and is a Muslim she may even be discriminated.

"It's alright Enzo, that won't happen again"

Topaz said to Enzo, to which he didn't reply because he was given a responsibility by her parents to not let her stay alone even for a split second.

"I can't do that Topaz."

But anyways, the Quintet gatherd near the fountain at the amusement park and showed how many prices they got and the one that the most prices was Vinger who went to the basketball thing and was even kicked out because he won to many prices... the second was Alastor who also went to shooting Gallery, the third was Bibi, who went to the arcade vending machine thing? I don't know what it's called... and unfortunately Topaz got the least gifts because she was distracted...

"Topaz, you can take this."

Vinter said as he gave 70% of his gifts to Topaz, she was surprised so she denied but because Vinter kept on telling her to take it she took...

Bibi and Alastor did small high five because they were the one who had given 30% of their gifts to Vinter so that he could share his gifts to Topaz making them closer.

The Quintet than left the amusement park, but because there was still sole hours left before the firework show they 'borrowed' some bicycles and skateboards, Enzo, Topaz and Vinter road the bicycle while Bibi and Alastor took the skateboards because those two were good at it.

Hours later they came back and kept the bicycles and the skateboards... and soon Topaz's father came to pick them up and take them to the firework show.

"Hey guys! my father came, let's go!"

Topaz yelled from afar as she waved at her friends, Bibi replied by saying that they're coming.




"Call me when you guys feel like going back, I'll drop all of you."

Topaz's father said as he smiled and left. The place was crowded, there were food stalls too.

"Enzo, when will the show start?"

"About 8 minutes later."

Enzo replied to Alastor as Bibi and Vinter were already gone... but they could be seen running around because they were below the others. Vinter was probably looking for gifts to give Topaz.

The firework show takes place near a small river, with small hills between the river, and a road on top for vehicles and people to walk or drive. The stalls and everything in the other side as it was more flat and had more space.

"Come let's go, those two are already down."

Enzo said as he went first, Topaz and Alastor followed him.

"Enzo, I'll go with Bibi."

Topaz said, and before Enzo could even answer she was gone, but she was with Bibi.

"*sigh...* These people..."

"Enzo, let's go too."

Alastor said as he started walking and Enzo followed behind, they went to the food stalls and even played some games.




*over here! Enzo, Alastor!*

Topaz shouted but not so loudly because Enzo and Alastor were quite close, as she's sitting between Bibi and Vinter who was waving at them too, Enzo and Alastor walked towards them and sat down on the sides, waiting for the show to start as now it was time for it to start, they were on top of the hill as there were less people sitting upside than downside.

The fireworks shot up, making the 'Woosh' sound...

Many different types of fireworks were there! Chrysanthemum fireworks, coconut fireworks, Dahlia fireworks, gliter fireworks, and even ring fireworks. It was truly the best scenario rhat everyone dreamed of. Enzo especially liked the Dahlia fireworks because the name reminded him for his mother as he wondered if these fireworks could be seen from the hospital...