Chapter 28

Bibi closed her eyes to pretend she was asleep...

"Ah... I see... I apologise in Ran's place, I'm sure she didn't mean it..."

"O-oh, it's alright Akhung, I'm also sure she didn't mean to say that."

[Bibi closed her eyes to pretend she was asleep...

"Ah... I see... I apologise in Ran's place, I'm sure she didn't mean it..."

"O-oh, it's alright Akhung, I'm also sure she didn't mean to say that."

[ In my language we call older males Akhung, just like how in Korean they call older males Hyung and oppa. But! Both male and female can call older male Akhung. But than again, it's not like you HAVE to call them Akhung but since it's more polite. ]

"I hope that friend could forgive her... I'm deeply sorry."

Jun kept on apologizing, he's the gentleman type, as well as the caring and gentle one...

"Can take this conversation downstairs?"

Vinter asked, and Jun nodded as the three of them left the room, leaving Bibi alone.

Bibi made sure they actually went downstairs, after making it sure she got up and noticed her phone beside her.


She mumbled, picking up her phone and going to WhatsApp, she looked for someone name 'Unstable Emo dude.' and messaged him saying 'Didn't mean to say that, it just slipped out. Sorry' she didn't wait for the reply and just kept the phone back, she fell back asleep.

"Please have a seat."

Jun said as he led them to the living room, he also bought them water. He sat down infront of Enzo and Vinter.

"And... If those type of words slips out of her mouth, please forgive her..."

Jun said, he was feeling pity towards Bibi. Vinter being the type of person he is, he questioned why those type of words just slips out.

"Ah... sorry but don't have the permission to say it..."

Jun said, but Enzo said it's alright not to explain and Jun nodded, kind of thankful.

Soon after that, Enzo and Vinter left. Jun sighed, picking up the tray with two empty glass and taking it to the kitchen and washed it.

"Jun, you didn't tell did you."

Bibi asked as she stood next to the doorway, staring at Jun, he did kind of get goosebumps from the intense stare.

"It's ok Ran, I wouldn't tell them about it without your permission. So, would you like some warm soup?"

Jun asked as he turned to Bibi with a smile. Bibi's personality changed to that of a child getting a new toy.

"Yea! I'll be in the living room"

Bibi said as she hopped her way to the living room and sitting down, she also bought her blanket with her so she wrapped herself in the blanket.




"Do you think Alastor would forgive Bibi?"

Enzo asked Vinter as they headed back.

"I think so, well I mean, it's the not the first time those two crossed the lines with eachother."

Vinter replied, recollecting his memories about the times when Alastor and Bibi crossed the lines.

"Right... But who's fault is it."

Enzo asked making Vinter change what he was thinking.

"Hm... I think it's Alastor, I'm not being biased alright, BUT it was Alastor to me because he said about her being careless and everything?"

"But... Bibi was the one who said that "

"Ye... But hope Alastor's mood is better tomorrow"

Vinter shrugged and Enzo let out a slight sigh as he checked the time, it was 8:38, kind of late.

"Anyway, goodnight bro, come at early six for rehersal alright."

Vinter and Enzo did a fist bumb before those two went separate ways.

The next morning...

At Wilgen School

[ It's all just fiction! ]

The Willow trees's leaves were all white, usually they are purple in colour, just like wisteria trees, they were planted in the entrence of the school, and near the path leading inside the school building. The school building were decorated with flowers and the snow did the job too.

It was early in the morning, just six o'clock so only those that's apart of the drama and singing are there.




Alastor who was deep in thoughts didn't hear Vinter calling him, but when he shouted his name he snapped out of the dream world.


"Damn... I thought you died or something-'

"Were you thinking of something?"

Enzo came from behind and asked, as he handed the two of them juice.

"Oh man, thanks"

Vinter said as he took the juice, and so did Alastor.

"Nah, nothing important."

Alastor shrugged it off as if he wasn't thinking of something...

"If you say so... but how's the rehersal going?"

Vinter said, he was drinking his Juice too. Enzo went somewhere he was called.

"It's all good, what bout you and Enzo."

"all good"


"Why're you suddenly quiet?"

"...hehehe....! I hope Topaz comes and congratulates me first"

Vinter said, laughing but at the same time smiling and blushing.


Alastor thought as he drank his juice. He was still confused on how Bibi knew about That.

'...stand up for yourself in front of your father...'

"Another weirdo."

Alastor thought again, as he checked the time.



Vinter turned to Alastor.

"Good luck on your performance"

"Good luck to you too Alastor. Don't forget your line and make up a new one"

Vinter said before Alastor left, and he too went back to do rehearsal.




"Bibi? you reached in time, suprisingly..."

Topaz said as she turned to Bibi, they wore school uniform and not outdoor clothing.


Bibi said as she gave Topaz a git.

"Give this to Vinter, and say that it's from YOU to HIM alright."

"Bruh, if you try anything funny I'm going to kill you."

"Nah nah! don't say it's from me because it's for you to give it to him, AND!! you're supposed to give this to him after his performance, not right after you see him."

"Yea yea, come on let's go, Enzo and Vinter saved some seats for both of us.'

Topaz said as she walked first and Bibi following Topaz with a happy smile.

Topaz and Bibi entered the drama room, it was big, extremely... Topaz looked around for Enzo and Vinter, when she saw them waving at the two of them, she pulled Bibi by the hand and went towards them.

"Nice seat huh"

Bibi said as she sat next to Enzo so that Topaz has to sit next to Vinter.

"Know right? we were the first to come so we got the best seat. The front row and the in the middle!"

Vinter said happily.

"Haaah...! Topaz is sitting next to me, she also looks so CUTE!!" He shouted in his mind as he kept his smile.

"Bro, we know you're happy but be patient."


Bibi and Enzo said in their mind. "Wait, you guys can hear my thoughts?"

"Your thoughts are just too loud."

Enzo said in his mind again, Topaz was just scrolling through her phone waiting for the drama to start.

After a while, the red curtains slowly started opening.

"Guys it's starting."

Enzo said, grabbing Topaz's attention and kept her phone down.