Aux Chapter shit. (idk cheif)


Aura users are first distinguishing in refinement by color. This order from weakest to strongest goes Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple with each of these being broken down further by their shade. Every level starts you off at a darker shade and as your power grows The darker color will brighten until you enter the next stage your color growing dull again.

They are further divided by their type of aura these come in Elemental, Physical, and Technique. The Elemental is self explanatory, general control of Fire, Lightning, Steel, Light, and Ice. Physical is used to even further amplify aspects of the body such as your physical strength, speed, and even your mind. Technique is by far the rarest and potentially strongest. While they need a conduit of some kind to provide a ability once they have it they can infinitely expand and transform it.

Regardless of that to gain any refinement you must enter a meditation like state in order to cultivate your aura together into a aura core enhancing your abilities and being 


Mana users are rare and are highly versitile with the magic they are born with via Ice, fire, wind, light, blood, dark arts, nature, etc. Their power is distinguished by the refinement of their mana core and how vast their mana pool is.

Spells can be learned in any number only limited by the skill of the user and their memory of its sequence though there will always be a natural affinity to their starting element

Spells range in their level these levels proportionally increase in difficulty and requirements such as chants and signs to preform more and more inherently powerful spells

In order to learn a spell, they must first dig deep within themselfs to listen the the one who speaks knowledge to them also known as a mana voice.

Each mana user's mana has a unique sentience that can voice itself to the user, this "speaking" while unintelligible is also understood on a fundamental level.

Its extremely rare and dangerous for one to wield both Aura and Mana due to extremely high chance of death.