Chapter-1: Walking Dead

 The world teetered on the brink of oblivion as the relentless march of the undead swept across nations, leaving devastation in its wake. Reports spread of England's authorities resorting to drastic measures, unleashing nuclear weaponry upon countries overrun by the zombie horde.

Amidst the chaos, you found yourself trapped in a nightmarish landscape, surrounded by the horrors of the undead and the distant glow of nuclear explosions. 

It was a world on the edge of collapse, where survival seemed like an impossible feat.

As tension and panic gripped the populace, the scene abruptly transitioned to a small screen, displaying the title "Zombie" accompanied by a lively pop soundtrack. 

As the movie played out, you became deeply immersed in the fictional world before you. The sight of zombies devouring flesh and the distant explosions faded into the background as you lost yourself in the captivating narrative unfolding on the screen.

Just as the tension in the movie reached its peak, the blaring horn of a passing bus snapped me out of the movie's immersion. 

With a heavy sigh, 

you removed the earphones and found yourself seated in a window seat on the bus. The bustling traffic and swirling gusts of wind surrounded your left side.

You spoke out

"Ah, we're on the highway," you muttered to yourself, 

"Hey, Sam! Wake up, we're almost at college," the guy next to you called out.

"Oh, I'll get off the bus last. You go ahead."

"Shut your crap and move your ass! We've got that psycho Thermodynamics professor for the first period. You really wanna mess with him this early?"

"Ok, I'm coming!" you grumbled, reluctantly agreeing to go along with the situation despite your annoyance.

 "That's Trident. Been hounding me about my step-sister, offering bribes for info. Truth is, he's just a total asshole."

You and Trident got off the bus and hurried to your class.

As you passed by the volleyball court on your way to the class block, a man's voice called out your name.

You paused momentarily and glanced to your right side.

"YO, SAM!" He's sprinting toward you.

The man is six feet tall, boasting tan skin and a strong physique. He wears a mask over his face, along with sports shorts and a jersey.

"He's the Volleyball Club president. What does he want with me?"

"What's up, bro? What do you need from me?"

"Hey, Sam! We're short a player for the team, and with district competitions coming up, I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining us?"

"Thanks for considering me. Let me mull it over, and I'll give you my answer at lunch."

"Alright, bro," the club president responded, understanding your need to consider the offer.

With a nod, you continued on your way to class alongside Trident, mulling over the unexpected invitation to join the volleyball team. Eventually, you arrived at the classroom just before the thermodynamics professor.

The Thermodynamics professor entered the room wearing a mask, a necessary precaution due to a virus that had spread two months prior.

The professor began speaking, his voice muffled slightly by the mask covering his face.

"After two months of being cooped up, I hope none of you have forgotten how to read. As you all know, I don't like to waste class time, but even the principal himself insists we address this virus situation." the professor remarked, his tone serious yet tinged with a hint of dry humor.

"You all likely heard enough about it from social media and the news, so I'll keep it brief." the professor remarked, his voice laced with impatience.

"The virus that spread two months ago is a type of flu, so for the next few weeks, it's imperative that we all wear face masks."

"Secondly, it's crucial to maintain a significant distance between individuals."

"Now, open your textbooks," the professor commanded brusquely, clearly uninterested in any further discussion on the matter.

The morning classes proceeded as usual, and soon it was time for the lunch break to begin.

As you packed your things, you couldn't shake off the feeling that you weren't in the mood to play volleyball. You thought to yourself, "I'll just drag the team down if I play with them now. I'll have to say no." With that decision made, you left the class, only to be stopped by someone calling your name from the back of the class.

"Yo, Sam," Trident's voice called out, slicing through the air with an edge of annoyance.

Trident sat among the girls, his right hand casually resting on one of their shoulders, while his left hand lay possessively on the thigh of a pretty, reserved girl in the class.

She made repeated attempts to move his hand away from her thigh, but he stubbornly persisted in placing it back again.

She refrained from fighting back or speaking up out of fear, knowing that he was the son of the college's founder.

While one might assume that severe consequences would follow if someone reported his behavior with a witness, the reality was quite different.

The college held a prestigious reputation, and its founder was esteemed as both a great educator and a compassionate individual. It was inconceivable that he would condone such misconduct. However, his mother, deeply devoted to her son, would dismiss any accusations against him without question. Those who dared to speak out risked being expelled from the college the very next day, their records tainted with allegations of misconduct.

"Let's see what kind of nonsense Trident spouts this time," you muttered under your breath, already resigned to his usual antics.

Trident began his nonsense, directing it towards the quiet girl, while you observed the conversation unfold with a mixture of annoyance and concern.

"You know, I actually saved him yesterday from a big accident. A bike almost hit him," Trident boasted, his words directed at the quiet girl, with you listening in, skeptical of Trident's self-serving narrative.

The quiet and pretty girl, Hina, cast a concerned yet scared glance at you.

"Are you okay, Sam? Did you get injured anywhere?" Hina asked, her voice filled with a mix of concern and fear.

"She's not just pretty; she's the kindest girl," you thought to yourself, admiring Hina's genuine concern for your well-being.

"I'm alright," you replied, reassuring Hina.

Trident interjected with a smug expression, "Who saved him? It was me. There's no way I'd let him get injured. Haha..."

"In reality, he actually pushed me from the footpath while spouting his lame-ass jokes. Pulled me back in the nick of a second, but he still almost killed me," you muttered under your breath, a hint of annoyance evident in your tone.

"Yeah, you saved me. Guys, you continue. I have to go to the volleyball club," you announced, nodding to Trident's intervention before excusing yourself from the conversation.

Before you could leave the class, Trident once again stopped you and asked, "Would you like to swap places with me for the volleyball team?"

"Well, okay. I still need to tell them what I think, so I'm going," you responded before heading out.

As you began walking outside of your class, Trident yelled out. "Put in a word for me,"

"Well, I will," you replied with a nod before continuing on your way.

You went and informed the volleyball club president of your disinterest, recommending Trident in your place. However, they showed no interest in him.

After exiting the club room, you scanned the volleyball field, but your step-sister was nowhere to be found.

"Where has she gone?" you wondered aloud, perplexed by your stepsister's absence.

You made your way to your class floor, your thoughts still preoccupied with her whereabouts.

"Where did Nita go? She didn't come to class, and she's not at the volleyball clubhouse either. Where has she gone? Maybe she's eating her lunch on the rooftop as she always does," you speculated, musing aloud about your stepsister's whereabouts.

As you returned to your class and began eating your lunch, a thought struck your mind.

"Why does the college feel so lifeless today?" you muttered to yourself, pondering aloud. "The usually jovial peon is oddly quiet, the girls who usually fill the hallways with chatter are absent, and even the class clown seems lost in thought. What could be the reason?"

Finishing your lunch, you headed to the washroom, finding it completely empty.

After washing your hands and adjusting your hair, a sudden gust of wind from the side window caused the restroom's main door to slam shut, startling you.


After drying your hands, you pulled open the door, expecting to step back into the bustling hallway. Instead, you were confronted with a scene straight out of a nightmare. Before you stood a grotesque figure, its face stripped of flesh, leaving only exposed bone and oozing blood. The sight of it sent a shiver down your spine and made your blood pressure rise

Out of sheer survival instinct or the fear of imminent death, you managed to right lift your hand in those few seconds of time.

"Something is not right. This will definitely kill me. I should throw this punch. Throw it, please! My body, don't fail me. Put the right hand right in that peeled-out face."

It all unfolded in just few seconds. You pulled your hand back as far as possible, while the Monstrous creature's hands were almost reaching for your neck and chest.

You thought to yourself, "This is the hardest and strongest punch of my life, a punch that will determine my fate."

You threw the punch, landing it squarely on the exposed nose bone. The force of your blow sent the monstrous creature stumbling back, causing it to lose its footing and stumble.

You immediately slammed the door shut and bolted it, sealing yourself safely inside.

You wondered aloud, "What was that thing?" your heart still racing from the encounter.

"Huh... huh..." you heard a noise, and soon it turned into multiple noises. "What are those noises?"

"Aaarrroooohhh…" The sounds reverberated through the hallway, followed by the haunting voices of death, the desperate cries of your classmates, and the occasional gunfire as they fought to survive. Amidst the chaos, a nervous laugh escaped your lips as you muttered to yourself, "Well, this is... this..." Your voice rose in panic, blending with the cacophony outside as you shouted, "What the hell is happening?!"

"Will I die?" you whispered, your voice barely audible over the cacophony of screams and gunshots echoing through the hallway.

As the weight of death loomed over you, your mind began to unravel. A smile crept onto your face, but it was quickly overshadowed by tears of fear streaming down your cheeks. Urine leaking out uncontrollably, while your legs shook, unable to find stability amidst the chaos.

"No... This is it. I'm going to die. I'll definitely die the moment I step out of this washroom," you muttered, the echoes of cries and zombie howls still reverberating in your ears. "Haha... Do I die like this, with no food and the constant fear of that thing breaking down this door?"

Your phone suddenly rang, its sound startling you so much that you jumped in fear, accidentally hit your head on the wall.

"Shit. My head. Who's messaging me now?"

"Damn spam messages at this hour," you curse under your breath, rubbing your sore head.

As you unlocked your phone, you took a moment to steady yourself. After a deep breath, you attempted to dismiss the spam messages, but in your haste, you accidentally opened the gallery. Surprised by the sudden shift, you began scrolling, navigating back to the early days of your phone's history. With each swipe, you found comfort in the familiar memories, despite the lingering fear.

After stumbling upon a cringy picture, you couldn't help but chuckle out of embarrassment. "I'm just a cringe in my 11th and 12th classes, hah!"

You scrolled through all the photos and came across a group picture of you, your mom, your stepfather, and sister—the first time you met Arya and Nita.

In that moment, a thought struck you: "Wait, Nita is outside among them?" You remember all the happy moments you spend with her in that few seconds and the love you have on her

"She's a pain in the ass, but that doesn't mean I'll leave her to die," 

"Staying here won't solve anything either. What if no one comes to save me? What if that thing breaks in?" 

After getting your shit together, you remembered, "Ah... fuck! I shit my underwear." Feeling embarrassed for a sec, you cleaned your pants and threw away the damn underwear. After washing your hands and face, you leaned against the sink, muttering to yourself, "Just stay fucking alert, and you can reach the rooftop."

"Huh!" You sighed and glanced around the restroom, spotting some metal pipes and fittings. Memories flooded back – just a month ago, boys from this floor had filed a complaint about rusted toilet sink pipes and water leakage.

But they had begun repairs the day before the lockdown. "I still have luck on my side," you muttered, a hint of relief in your voice. You seized the longest pipe you could find, longer than your arm, and connected it with pipe fittings on both ends.

You swung the pipe three times, steeling yourself for what lay ahead. "I'm ready," you affirmed, your determination unwavering. Pressing your ear against the door, you strained to listen for the sounds of those things. Though you could still hear them, the howls seemed to have softened compared to before.

You slowly opened the door and stepped outside, only to be greeted by a scene straight out of zombie and horror movies. The walls of the hallway were painted in pure red. People are turned into savages, feasting on one another. The air was thick with the scent of blood, reminiscent of a butcher shop. The entire hallway was littered with lifeless bodies, a grim reminder of the chaos that had unfolded.

You muttered to yourself, "This is just like volleyball." drawing upon the lessons of the game. "Power, senses, and staying alert. The main thing is don't hesitate even for a second, otherwise you'll end up like them."

 You muttered to yourself again, "It's just like those games," the realization sinking in as you surveyed the gruesome scene before you. "People eating people, and the dead becoming like them, devouring each other. They're... zombies."

You stood by the stairs leading to the fourth floor, mentally preparing yourself to go up to the rooftop.

"You can do it, Sam," you whispered to yourself, summoning the courage to take the next step.

Amidst the eerie groans, three of the zombies began to advance towards you from different directions. The one furthest away was coming straight at you, while the closest one approached from the right. Another undead figure emerged from a narrow hallway on your left, making it the second closest to you.

You muttered, "Time for my courage test," You steeling yourself as you swung the pipe. The impact against the zombie's legs made it stumble, but you wasted no time in following up with a brutal blow to its head. The crunch of bone was sickening, but you knew it was necessary for survival. In this deadly game, any lapse in concentration could mean the end.

As you pulled the pipe from the skull, a sickening cascade of blood erupted, followed by the grotesque sight of brain matter oozing out. 

Without a moment's hesitation, you dashed towards the zombie on your right. Feeling a pang of sadness, you muttered, "I'm sorry," before delivering a swift, brutal strike that smashed its head, ending its undead existence in a single blow.

"Two down!" you exclaimed, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you faced the third zombie. Despite your readiness and vigilance, it caught you off guard. Reacting instinctively, you raised the pipe to block its lunge, stopping it at the mouth.

"Damn it," you cursed under your breath, muscles straining against the undead force. "I never expected it to be this strong. Is this how it all ends?"

You heard footsteps coming towards you, In a flash, they struck the zombie on the head with what looked like a cement brick. The impact stunned the zombie, momentarily halting its advance.

As the zombie staggered, you took immediate action, forcefully pushing it aside before delivering the final, decisive blow to its head. With a sickening thud, the zombie's skull shattered into three jagged pieces, sending a spray of blood in all directions, drenching you in its vile essence.

The gruesome scene before you was too much to bear, and your stomach rebelled, you vomited over the lifeless body. Even amidst the chaos of your sickness, your eyes locked onto a familiar figure to your right. "HINA!"

You struggle to hold back the nausea, but it overwhelms you, spewing out in front of her. "Blerrrgghh..!" After a while, the vomiting subsides.

While you were recovering, she hurried to the women's restroom and returned with a bottle of water, offering it to you. After rinsing your mouth, washed your hands and face, you sheepishly apologized, "I'm sorry about that."

"No need to apologize," she reassured you with a gentle smile. "I've seen worse than that."

"Yeah, you did. By the way, where were you all this time? Are you okay? Did they bite you?" you asked, your voice tinged with concern as you glanced around, checking for any signs of injury on her.

"See? I'm still in one piece. That lunatic went on a shooting rampage, taking out quarter the class in a fit of fear. When I spotted an opening, I dragged him and a few others to safety and we hunkered down in the women's bathroom for a good two long hours," she explained, her voice calm despite the chaos around you.

"You saved that moron Trident, even after all he's done to you," you muttered, amazed by her actions.

"I did it on a whim. He might be a beast, but I refuse to stoop to his level, especially not against one of our own," she explained.

"I'm relieved to see you're alright," you said, pausing for a moment before continuing, "I have to get to the rooftop. I need to find Nita."

"She might have turned into one of those..." she said reluctantly.

You replied to her angrily, "STOP!" but then softened your tone. "I need to find her, sorry. I gotta go,"

As you rushed upstairs, Hina's soft voice reached you. "Whatever happens, I'm waiting for you,"

You continued your ascent without looking back or acknowledging her words.

"There are 8 floors in this block, and I'm only on the 3rd floor. Just 5 more floors to go. I hope she's up there, safe and sound," you murmured to yourself as you slowly climbed the stairs, your steps purposeful and focused.

You encountered a few more zombies on the 4th floor, but you managed to evade them and continued onward.

As soon as you stepped onto the fifth floor, a woman's desperate cry for help echoed through the corridor, "HELP…!"

The zombies scattered throughout the floor suddenly awaken, surrounding you in an instant. "Shit. There are so many of them. More than 20 zombies," you muttered. "They are slow, but this many will be hard to fight."

You fend off four advancing zombies, your stamina dwindling with each blow. "Damn it," you curse under your breath, irritation mounting at the sudden cry reverberating through the building. "Who the hell's making noise now? Just three floors left to reach the rooftop."

You heard footsteps approaching from the floor above. "More of these coming down?" you muttered, defending yourself with a pipe against the zombie. Suddenly, a voice pierced through the chaos, "Hold it, boss." You turned to see a figure wielding what appeared to be a gun, firing with precision. The zombie crumpled with a nail in its skull. The newcomer dispatched the rest and instructing, "Take down the ones near you. Aim for the head." 

You swiftly dispatched the zombies closest to you, leaving only few zombies. Suddenly, one of them began sprinting toward you. Both you and the boy from the stairs were taken aback, witnessing an undead creature running for the first time.

You stood your ground as the zombie charged towards you, its gaping mouth hungry for flesh. Without hesitation, you drove the metal pipe straight into its maw. The pipe pierced through the mouth with a sickening squelch, emerging from the other side, coated in brain matter and blood,

In the chaos, you lost your footing and stumbled backward, hitting the ground hard. Meanwhile, the stranger efficiently eliminated the remaining two zombies with precise shots to their heads. As you struggled to recover, you noticed nails embedded in the zombies' skulls, 

"A nail!" you exclaimed, surprised to see a zombie brought down by such a simple object. The man who saved you approached, offering you a hand. "Are you okay, boss?"

You took his hand to get up and replied, "Thanks brother you saved my ass." He is chubby and close to your shoulder height, glasses and curtains hairstyle.

He initiated the conversation, saying, "Hi boss, do you know me? We share the Engineering Graphics class." You remembered, "Yes, you're Anh from Class B."

You both exchanged a serious glance, and Anh said, "Before we go our separate ways, how about we lend them a hand?"

"Absolutely," you replied firmly. "If they keep making noise like that, they'll attract more of them. It's a danger to everyone."

As you both approached the classroom where the shouts were coming from, you passed by the zombies you had dispatched earlier. Anh efficiently shot down any remaining threats while you hurried to open the door. However, upon entering, you were greeted by an alarming sight: more than 10 zombies and three girls huddled in a corner, using study tables as barricades to protect themselves.

You took down the zombies one by one, with Anh covering your back. Together, you managed to defeat almost all of them in the class, except for one. This remaining zombie was built like a tyrant, with a six-foot-tall, muscular body, and it wore a uniform similar to that of bouncers.

Anh tried his nail gun, but it didn't work on this particular zombie like it did on the others. As you observed the situation, an idea struck you. 

"This zombie moves slower than other zombies, but its reach is significantly better. One grab and it's game over," you remarked to Anh, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a safe distance. "But compared to other zombies, this one seems to be stumbling while walking." Your eyes scanned the room, and then an idea hit you. 

Turning to Anh, you said, "I have an idea. Let's use the tables."

"Grab the table at the other end, quickly!" You seized the opposite end of the table. "Now, charge forward as fast as you can, brother!"

"Let's aim for those legs, Anh," you instructed, both of you swinging the table with all your might at the zombie's lower limbs. The creature stumbled forward. Without hesitation, you and Anh hurled the table at the zombie, then swiftly followed up with a shot from Anh's nail gun to the back of its neck. Seizing the opportunity, you swung the metal pipe with full force, crushing the creature's skull and sending blood splattering across the floor.

"Nice teamwork, boss," Anh remarked, a grin breaking through the tension on his face.

"We were just lucky," you replied with a nod, relief evident in your voice.

girls were shocked by the sight of it but they stopped there shouting, you and him went to them and Anh said, "It is alright now, you guys can get up from there"

Anh's voice suddenly shifted to a high-pitched, almost comical tone as his attention was caught by one of the girls among the group. She had a pale complexion, a round face, and an overall figure that resembled that of a professional model.

He exclaimed, "You're the idol 'RENA'! The news said you were on vacation!"

Rena replied with trembling voice, "This is my vacation. Spending time with my friends is one of the best vacations for me, but it was ruined."

You pondered whether Rena's demeanor was a result of her Idol charm or genuine affection for her friends. Observing the fear in her eyes amidst the chaos, you mused, "Maybe she is telling the truth."

Anh replied instantly, "Sorry, I forgot the gravity of our situation and asked you something unnecessary. Please, get up."

The girls rose to their feet, their voices trembling slightly as they asked, "Could you take us to the safe room? We saw a message on the school WhatsApp group saying it's a secure place to hide."

"I'm heading to the rooftop. If you want, I can help you get there, but don't get your hopes up too high," you offered.

The girls nodded in agreement with your suggestion, and you turned to Anh for confirmation.

"What do you want to do, bro?"

"I'm heading to the ground floor, boss. I've got an idea, but I don't want to raise false hopes. Still, I hope we meet again."

You replied, "Yeah, let's hope for that."

As you all dashed towards the stairs, you turned to Anh and inquired, "What's the situation upstairs?"

Anh responded "I came from the 6th floor, There are fewer zombies up there, but stay quiet. You'll reach the safe room without any problems."

"Based on what you said and the echoes of groans from down floors, then the entire ground floor must be filled with those zombies," you remarked as you all reached the stairs.

"Don't worry, boss. I'll figure something out. " Anh reassured you.

"Anh, could you do me a favor, brother? There's this girl named Hina on the 3rd floor, they're hiding in the girls' washroom. There are zombies swarming the building, and they need assistance to get to safety. Can you help them out?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Nothing like that, she saved me. I just want her to be safe."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Appreciate it, bro," you nodded to Anh. you and the girls headed upstairs while Anh went downstairs.

Just as Anh mentioned, there are only a few zombies on the 6th floor, you reminded Rena. "It's going to take us roughly 15 to 20 minutes to reach the safe room from here." Curiosity gnawed at you as you asked girls, "How the hell zombies managed to get into the locked classroom? What actually happened inside?"

One of the girls responded to your question, "The big guy you both stopped in the classroom is the reason it all happened."

Then Rena started explaining without missing a single detail, "When it all started, the whole class panicked. I don't know about other classes, but in our class, not even one of us turned into one of them."

Rena continued, her voice trembling with fear, "However, with these creatures running rampant throughout the corridors, one guy risked his life and closed the door. Despite the door being pushed by more than four zombies. We thought we were saved."

"After a couple of minutes, we heard a knock on the door calling my name, 'Miss Rena'. It was my bodyguard who had come to save me," Rena recounted, her voice filled with sorrow. "The whole class was against opening the door, fearing the worst. But they trusted my judgment and let him in. When he came inside, blood was pouring from his right calf, and we treated his wound. Initially, he seemed fine. He instructed us to stay safe by hiding behind tables and staying in the corners."

"Out of nowhere, he started vomiting blood, crying, and moaning. We didn't know what to do," Rena's voice wavered as she recounted the horrifying events. "Suddenly, he jumped at the people closest to him and began to eat them. The ones who were eaten came back to life and started attacking my other classmates. It all happened so quickly... it was over in just minutes. My classmates slowly turned into one of them. We three are the only ones who survived." Rena's tears flowed freely as she relived the traumatic memory. 

"I'm the reason they all turned into those things... I'm the reason they all died," Rena's voice cracked with guilt as she collapsed to the ground. Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably as she realized the weight of her words. Knowing that her voice could attract more of those creatures, she desperately covered her mouth with both hands, trying to stifle her sobs. Not a single sound escaped from her .

Her friends surrounded her, offering words of comfort and support until her sobs gradually subsided. With a deep breath, Rena managed to regain some composure. "I'm sorry for breaking down like that... I know I don't even deserve to be with you all now, but please, still help me," she pleaded, her voice filled with remorse and desperation.


One of her friends slapped Rena firmly, her voice laced with frustration and sorrow. "It wasn't your responsibility to bear, Rena," she admonished sharply. "They chose to follow your lead like you were some kind of angel. It was their mistake, not yours." Tears streamed down the faces of three girls as they shared in their collective grief. "It was their fault, not yours," they repeated, offering solace in their shared pain.

You gave them some space and kept watch over them for a few minutes until you heard the sound of zombie footsteps and groans drawing closer to your location.

Interrupting their conversation, you said, "Ladies, I'm sorry to interrupt, but those things might be heading this way. Shall we move?"

Prompting them to start walking towards the safe room, you found yourself alongside Rena. Despite her global fame and seemingly unattainable aura, in this dire moment, she appeared just like any other girl. You thought to yourself, "She's just like every one of us."

You voiced your thoughts aloud, "The world we knew must be dead by now!" Rena somberly replied, "I don't want that to happen."

Finally, after all, four of you reached the safe room and you knocked on the door. To your dismay, the one who opened it was none other than one of the most manipulative and detestable professors in the entire college.

He was in his mid-30s, slim, good height, wearing glasses and sporting a flow haircut. His name was Slyde. With his low bass voice, he called out to us, "Come in, students." Rena and her friends entered the safe house, with Rena being the last. As she looked back at you, she surprisingly asked, "Why aren't you coming in?"

"I've already told you, I'm going to the rooftop," you replied. 

"But it's dangerous out there, and there's a chance the one you're searching for..." Rena began to argue.

You stopped her mid-sentence and sarcastically asked, "What are you worrying about me for? I'm the luckiest guy, THE WORLD POPULAR 'RENA', the Idol worrying about me haha. See Rena, the world we know is not there anymore."

"You worry about you and your friends, and I'll worry about me and mine. Goodbye, IDOL RENA."

Slyde added a word while you were talking to Rena, "That was a good analogy, we care about ourselves, you should remember that MISS RENA." You didn't waste a moment and punched him in the face. All the professors and other students in the safe room were shocked as blood trickled from his nose. "If you want another punch, then talk back." A moment of silence "No words. Who are you going to call now? The minister? Commissioner? Police? Suck up, shithead." His face burned with anger, but he couldn't do anything.

You sprinted towards the stairs, smashing every zombie in your path. With each strike, you felt a surge of satisfaction, especially after landing a blow on that bastard.

"Thanks to him, I had to take Mathematics-1 three times. I have no idea what his problem was, but I'm feeling pretty satisfied now, hehe."

You pause for a moment, pondering, "I hope Rena and her friends will be alright."

You stand at the stairs, whispering softly, "Please, Nita, stay safe."

You ran upstairs, sidestepping every zombie you encountered along the way. When you reached the rooftop door, you were relieved to see it closed, with no signs of blood or bodies nearby.

You called out loudly, "Nita, are you okay? Open the door." But there was no response, causing concern to grow within you.

You exerted all your strength as you banged on the door to open it, only to be met with the sight of a zombie that bore a striking resemblance to someone you know.

"LACHE!" The undead figure before you, none other than your biological father, lunged with a guttural growl. Stunned, you paused for a moment, then you mustered your courage and lunged forward, swinging the pipe at his head. The impact sent him stumbling to the ground. As you readied yourself for another attack, a voice you knew well, filled with sorrow and pain, called out your name, "Sam!"

Your sister lay in the basketball cage, her leg bleeding profusely, yet her face bore a bright smile. Shocked to see her in such a state, tears filled your eyes as you ran towards her. Without hesitation, you reached out and grabbed both of her hands, pulling her into a tight embrace as tears streamed down your cheeks.

With a faint smile, she spoke softly, "If only Mom and Dad hadn't fallen for each other, or if we had confessed our feelings before they made us siblings. Maybe then, we wouldn't have grown apart, even while living under the same roof."

As she hugged you tightly, tears streaming down her face, she whispered, "I love you, I LOVE YOU, Sam." You couldn't hold back your tears either.

"I love you, Nita, I love you so much," you repeated, your voice choking with tears. "But first, let's get you up. We need to treat your leg. He must have bitten you a few minutes back."

She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "No, Sam, it's over for me. I tried to escape, but he got me. I've seen what happens to those who get bitten." Despite her tears, a faint smile crossed her lips. "At least I'm still conscious until I see you. Please, kiss me, Sam."

You kissed on her forehead for few seconds, and you gathered your courage and asked, "Bite me, let's die together." She refused and slapped you, her anger evident as she exclaimed, "Do you think I will let you become one of them? Nah, never."

You asked, "Then what about you?"

She responded, her voice tinged with sorrow, "You put me down. To reach this point, you've likely had killed countless others who turned into... that. So, just treat me like one of them. End me."

You responded firmly, "No, I can't do it."


She erupted in frustration. "Then what? You want me to turn into one of them and slaughter our parents, friends, our family? Do you think they'd be happy with the idea of us becoming like them, wandering around, feeding on corpses?" She began to vomit blood, her voice wavering. "KILL... me... please..." She writhed in pain, struggling against herself.

You spoke through tears, your voice quivering with sorrow, "I can't... I just can't..." The terror that once gripped you in the presence of those creatures had vanished, leaving your mind numb and empty. "Take me with you, Nita..."

Just a few minutes before, after Sam left the safe room.

Inside, the safe room is stocked with some junk food and scattered papers, likely midterm exam papers. A 3rd-year chemistry professor stands guard, holding a shotgun that appears to be unloaded. The professors inside wear expressions of disgust on their faces.

The professors and some students were berating Sam for two reasons.

1. He is being criticized for being rude and disrespectful towards elders.

2. He seems to view the situation outside as a game, finding enjoyment in smashing zombies. He's perceived as a psycho for his behavior.

Rena can't tolerate the disparaging remarks about Sam, especially when it's suggested that he's just a psycho enjoying smashing zombies for fun.

Rena muttered, "You're all acting as if you have a clue about what's really going on out there!"

One of the professors raised his voice, "You think we haven't seen anything? We've seen far more than you could imagine!"

Rena couldn't hold back any longer. "Who on earth saved us? Was it you? You! We were on the brink of death, and he came to our rescue without even knowing who we were."

"You're all calling him a psycho for taking pleasure in killing those things. But then, why is he so keen on saving someone close to him?" She yelled with all her might.

The professor with the shotgun responded, "An idol spouting some random bullshit after seeing a bit of blood. So what? People eating people, that's it. Just shut your mouth and wait a few days. There will be a cure, and everything will be fine."

Lara, one of Rena's friends, is the same age as Rena. She has long black hair, is the tallest girl in the room, with a well-built body.

She stood up and began to roam around the safe room, as if searching for something. "It's pointless to talk to them, Rena," she remarked. 'These people are just the type who don't care about their families, children, or even their own parents. Look at them, all feeling relieved just because those things won't come in."

The professor with the shotgun shouted, "Do you know how much I want to meet my son? My wife? They are my everything!"

Lara shouted back while she simultaneously searched for something, her voice echoing in the tense silence of the room. "Then how can you all judge someone for trying to save someone they care about? Calling him a psycho? If you truly value your family, you should understand the pain of wanting to reunite with someone he loves."

Silence fell over the room after Lara's impassioned words. Professor Slyde exchanged a concerned glance with her, sensing the potential repercussions on his authority in the room. The other students and professors shifted uncomfortably, their expressions betraying a mix of uncertainty and contemplation."

Lara found a box full of shotgun shells, forcefully pulled the shotgun from the professor who was holding it, and loaded it with the shells. Everyone was surprised that she could handle a shotgun. She turned to the chemistry professor and demanded, "Why wasn't the shotgun loaded, sir? Do you actually know how to use it?" Her tone was sharp and accusatory. The professor stammered in response, clearly caught off guard by her assertiveness.

The students cast disapproving glances at him, recalling his words from just an hour ago: "You know what, your professor is an expert in handling guns and it is loaded, so I will handle this gun."

Most of the students gradually lost trust in the professors as they observed their true nature.

Slyde saw this as the opportune moment to bolster his standing in the room. "You can't deceive us, Professor. I entrusted you with the leadership role, only to discover that you're incapable of handling a gun. You misrepresented yourself to win the students' favor. Shame on you, sir."

Slyde silently urged himself while licking his lips, "One more push." Then, addressing the group. 

He proclaimed, "We require a leader who embodies openness, understanding, strong social standing, and, crucially, reliability. As many of you are aware, I played a pivotal role in saving all of us. If you believe I can continue to ensure our safety, please raise your hands and select me as your leader."

All the students, along with several professors, raised their hands in approval of Slyde as their leader.

Slyde chuckled before replying, "Democracy reigns. For those who didn't raise their hands, you're welcome to exit this room, or you're welcome not to heed my words." He paused briefly, adjusting his glasses, then added with a sinister undertone, "Don't forget, if you cause any issues, we can throw you out."

He glanced at Lara and requested, "Lara, could you please hand me that shotgun?"

She remained silent, then turned to her friends, asking, "Do we really need to stay here? I have a shotgun, and according to Anh, both the 6th and 7th floors have fewer zombies. If we head to the rooftop and reunite with Sam, I'm confident he'll assist us. What do you both think?"

Rena responded affirmatively, "Yeah, he definitely will."

The third friend, Ginny, shorter than Rena and sporting Harry Potter glasses, had a cute body and face. She wore a skirt and shirt, epitomizing the total nerd type.

She responded to Lara's question, "But how do we get out of here? He's standing there and seems to have no intentions of moving aside."

Lara asked Slyde with a smirk, "Move aside, Slyde. We want to get out of here."

Slyde retorted with an arrogant expression, licking his lips before speaking, "You may leave without issue, but the gun stays here."

Lara packed some water bottles, papers, and shotgun shell boxes into a bag, then slung the bag over her shoulder. She pointed the gun straight at Slyde's face.

"Open up, or take a bullet to your brain," she said to him while covering her friends with her giant body. When one of the professors attempted to grab her from the back, she swiftly delivered a flying kick and resumed her stance, aiming straight at his head. "Don't push me to become a killer, Slyde."

Slyde slowly opened the door, with Ginny and Rena walking ahead, while Lara covered them. The girls were scared, but they refused to return to that eerie cult room.

Rena and Lara, with their athletic abilities, lead the charge against the zombies once they overcome their fear. Meanwhile, Ginny, more inclined towards indoor activities and lacking athleticism, relies on Rena and Lara for protection as they advance forward.

Lara excels in sports and holds a black belt in karate. Additionally, she has received training in firearm usage. Her large physique also gives her an advantage, allowing her to fend off zombies before they even come close to her.

In contrast, Rena is physically fit but lacks combat skills. Nevertheless, she does her best to evade zombies if they approach her.

The group cautiously ascended the rooftop stairs, their formation unchanged: Lara bringing up the rear, Ginny in the middle, and Rena leading the way. Suddenly, a male voice pierced the silence, calling out "Nita..." followed by agonizing moans, evoking memories of Rena's bodyguard's transformation into a zombie.

The trio hurried to the rooftop and beheld a distressing sight: a zombie inching its way towards Sam, who appeared resigned, his arms outstretched as if embracing his inevitable demise.

Lara took command, directing Rena to rush towards Sam and move him, while urging Ginny to follow and provide backup. Assuming the lead, Lara advanced towards the zombie. She struck the zombie with the shotgun handle, causing the zombie to fall to her left side. 

Then, she grabbed the pipe Sam had been using and delivered a series of powerful blows until the zombie's head shattered into pieces. Blood splattered over you and Lara as the zombie's head exploded.

With a heavy heart upon seeing Nita, you turned to Lara with a pained expression and asked, "Why did you stop her?" Your voice trembled with desperation, reflecting your inner turmoil.

Lara responded, "To save you."

Your frustration was evident in your reply, "I didn't ask you to save me."

With a solemn expression, Lara said, "I'm sorry, but we need you."

Sam, his eyes filled with tears, expressed, "So, you want me to protect you all. Until now, I've just been desperate. You think I'm some kind of brave guy who jumps in to save people when trouble arises."

"When I'm face-to-face with them for the first time, I damn near shit my pants and cry like it's the end of the world. Until she crosses my mind, I'm just a weakling, hiding behind a door with the hope of someone coming to rescue me."

"All my desperate attempts to see her and hope that she is alive, but to find her like this," you sighed, your tone weighted with sorrow and resignation.

"You know, maybe you should find someone who isn't a coward like me, always hoping for the best. I'm sorry, but I can't protect you," you said with a chuckle.

Your phone received a notification: "New message from Mom."

Your spirits lifted at the sound of the message tone. Without hesitation, you unlocked your phone and played the voice message.

You lowered the volume and played the voice message.

"Hi Sam, it's Mom. I wanted to let you know that I'll be traveling to America for a few days for a company project. I'm sending you this voice message since I know you're in class."

"One, take care of your sister. Two, stay safe, and don't fight with her, just for these three days, my sweet boy," 

You paused the message for a second to wipe your tears, regaining composure as a faint smile graced your lips upon hearing your mother's voice. 

You resumed the voice message.

"I had a talk with Lache, he has changed a lot, Sam," your mother's voice continued. "He says he wants to meet us once again. What do you think? Should we meet him?"

Suddenly, amidst the message, you heard zombie sounds. Your mother's voice turned panicked. "Who are you?" she shouted for help. "Someone help me, Arya, help me…"

Afterward, all you heard were bone-cracking and flesh-tearing sounds.

The voice message ended abruptly, leaving you stunned and horrified by what you had just heard.

You repeatedly tried calling your mom's number, but each time, you received the same message: 

"The number you're trying to reach is currently unreachable." 

Despite your attempts, you couldn't establish a connection.

Rena, Ginny, and Lara looked at you with concerned expressions as you stood there, completely overwhelmed and lost in your thoughts. It was evident that you were struggling to maintain composure, your mind consumed by grief and totally devastated.

Your response was a continuous, uncontrollable laughter as you stood up and looked at the three girls. With a loud laugh, you exclaimed, "My mom died, my sister died, that guy over there is my father, he died. Haha..."

You moved slowly towards the railings, as if you were drained of life. "What's left for me to live for? I've lost everything. Do I die if I jump from the rooftop?"

Lara sprinted as fast as she could, reaching you just in time to grab hold and prevent you from leaping off the rooftop. You snapped at her for helping and punched her in the chest, frustration and confusion evident in your voice.

"Why are you stopping me?" you demanded, your tone edged with desperation.

She held her chest, coughing slightly, before straightening up to look at you. "We need you, Sam," she said, her voice strained but firm.

You said, "I DON'T NEED YOU!" Tears streamed down your face, your voice choked with sorrow and frustration.

Tears streamed down your face without restraint as you gazed at the sky. "My mom, dad, sister, my love... everyone's gone. I don't have a reason to keep fighting," you choked out between sobs. "Just leave me... I won't be of any use to you all. Find someone else," you pleaded, before collapsing to the ground where you stood. "Please... just leave me."

At the same time, your zombie father woke up and started walking towards the girls. Rena stood her ground and said, 'I will take care of it.' With all her strength, she swung the pipe, making the zombie fall down. She continued smashing the zombie's head with powerful blows until it finally blasted apart.

The sight of your biological father's head splattering into pieces caused you to lose your mind completely. You became as lifeless as a zombie.

Lara walked towards you and lifted you up, 

You collapsed once again, but Lara lifted you up once more. As you collapsed again, she lifted you for the third time. This time, with frustration evident, she held you with just one hand and delivered a slap. Still, there was no response from you. In a last-ditch effort, she punched you, but there was still no reaction.

She continued to hold you with one hand, gently lifting your face with her right hand. With a tender gesture, she kissed you. The warmth of her touch brought you back from your thoughts, snapping you out of your daze.

"What's going on? Why are you doing this?" you pushed her back, a mix of confusion and frustration in your voice. "Are you trying to seduce me now?"

She responded with an embarrassed yet endearing expression. "Yes, and I love you," she confessed, her eyes filled with sincerity and affection.

You stood there, bewildered and confused by Lara's confession. Ginny, overwhelmed, hid her face with both hands, while Rena stood by, utterly shocked by the unexpected turn of events.

"I'm not saying this out of pity," Lara continued, "From the moment you arrived in class and did your best to save us, even in those dire circumstances, I couldn't help but fall for you. And when you mentioned you were looking for your friend, it made me respect you even more. But I never had the courage to speak up because I was terrified. You gave me strength during this dark time. By the time I wanted to ask you, you had already left."

"Once again, you're standing right in front of me," Lara expressed, her voice filled with affection. "This time, there's no way I'll let you slip away again. I'm not asking you to forget everything, but please remember that a woman is happy simply because you exist."

Overwhelmed by everything unfolding before you, you found yourself at a loss for words. Tears streamed down your cheeks as emotions flooded your senses.

Your first love lay on the floor, her head split in two, a horrifying sight to behold. Amidst the chaos, the one responsible for that made a shocking proposal to you. As confusion and horror consumed you, the voice message you received ended with the mournful sound of your mother's death. Adding to the turmoil, your biological father, who had turned into a zombie, met his end right in front of you,

You stepped back and leaned on the railings, a bitter chuckle escaping your lips. "What timing you've got," you remarked with a mixture of disbelief and frustration. "You managed to drain every ounce of courage I had left to jump, with that kiss. You're Playing unfair and saying a woman who claims to be happy just because I exist? Stop with the lies."

Rena raised her voice, but it cracked, and tears flowed from her eyes. "I'm so relieved that you're alive," she choked out, "Thanks to you, the three of us are still here. We're here for you, and you can count on us for support, mentally and emotionally. Please, choose to live with us."

Ginny spoke through her tears, her voice trembling with sadness. "Thank you, Sam. Please, live."

You slowly sank to the ground, leaning against the railing, your head bowed, and your gaze fixed on your lap. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you uttered softly, "Please don't give hope to this coward."

The three girls approached you, each wrapping you in a tight embrace, their warmth and comfort enveloping you. In unison, they spoke softly, their voices filled with reassurance, 

"We won't leave you."

You accepted their support and trusted their words, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. You started to cry like a little child.

 Bonus Story 1: Anh Survival

Just a few hours before the zombie breakout, Anh, a second-year mechanical student, was enjoying himself in the Automotive lab class. He was occupied with completing a nail pressure gun.

Slyde called out his name, mocking him with a sneer, "Here we go, Anh! The mad scientist in his own little world."

The entire class burst into laughter as Anh, feeling embarrassed, stood up and asked, "Sorry sir, what was the question?"

Someone from the class retorted, "Nobody even asked you a question, fatty!"

Anh laughed off the comment, joining the rest of the class in amusement.

Amidst all the laughter, the bell rang, signaling the start of the lunch break.

This level of teasing was harmless, just light-hearted jokes without any harm done to anyone.

While Anh was eating lunch, a couple called him, both appearing to be around his age. The guy stood at 6 feet tall, with a well-trained physique, while the girl, with long blue hair, plenty of makeup, and dressed in trendy attire, stood at around 5.5 feet tall.

Setting his lunch aside, Anh walked over to them.

The guy ordered Anh to follow him, calling him "fatty." Anh reluctantly followed them. 

He was aware that they were part of the bullying group in the second year, known for targeting even the tougher students from the third and fourth years just for fun.

Anh felt a surge of fear and muttered to himself, "Are they going to beat me up again today?" He had been a victim of bullying for the past six months.

They led him to an empty classroom in B block on the 7th floor, currently undergoing renovation. Inside the room were three other guys who immediately began to beat Anh mercilessly, targeting any part of his body, including his balls.

The woman with blue hair shouted at him, accusing, "How dare you stare at cleavage in the classroom!"

Anh attempted to respond, "I didn't—" but was interrupted by a kick to his balls.

Anh, clutching his crotch, collapsed to the floor in agony, tears streaming down his face. The bullies showed no mercy, relentlessly kicking him all over his body. To add insult to injury, the woman with blue hair spat on him once they finally stopped their assault.

They laughed in his face, hurling insults, and even the professors who passed by the classroom made no attempt to help him.

After a while, they threw him out of the room, and the boys who had assaulted him ordered him to strip off his pants and underwear and stand guard outside. Reluctantly, he complied.

Anh muttered to himself, "For the past six months, I've wished countless times that my family had more connections in the government. Then I could easily request a transfer from this place."

"People believe money can fix everything. I come from a well-off family; my parents are popular YouTube stars. When they learned about the bullying, they tried reaching out to the authorities. However, when they discovered the bully's connections to a government official, they couldn't take any action. My parents even attempted to purchase a transfer certificate from the college, but the bully warned the college founders, preventing them from issuing it to me."

"Some people in the college are unaware of the bullying, but it escalated to the point where lives were lost. A female lecturer tragically passed away, ostensibly by suicide after enduring mental torment from these freaks."

"I studied tirelessly, even harder than anyone else, to get to this point, despite my mom and dad telling me that I didn't have to do all this, that. making videos alone was enough."

"But I..." he said between sobs, his voice trembling with regret. "I should have listened to them."

Anh overheard voices coming from the room, "You know what? I missed your long, thick cock for three weeks. Shove it deep inside my sweet, tight pussy," she moaned with a higher pitch voice.

"How does it feel?" the bully asked the woman. She responded, "I missed this sensation. Maintain the pace. Fuck, kiss me."

The sounds of slurping and skin hitting made Anh nauseous. "Why has my life turned out this way?" he wondered, still hearing the moans of the woman and even her climax voice saying, "You're the best fuck than my boyfriend." They both kissed, the slurping noise echoing in Anh's ears. Suddenly, there was a change in the atmosphere, and both of them fell silent. This was the first time it had happened since Anh had been bullied for the past six months.

Amidst the chaos of the noisy college, with students running and shouting, Anh hears peculiar roars and moans in the distance.

Suddenly, the door was violently banged from inside, startling Anh. As he peered through the window into the room, he was met with a horrifying sight: the blue-haired woman, her face torn apart, revealing only flesh and bones beneath.

Anh screamed in terror, and the deadly creatures inside the room were immediately alerted by the noise.

Anh grabbed his pants and dashed towards the right block of 7th floor, only to realize along the way that he was running without pants.

He was fortunate that only a few students came to the left block of the 7th floor, as it was still under renovation. Hastily, he slipped into one of the vacant classrooms and put on his pants.

As he left the classroom, he caught a whiff of an unusual scent, one he couldn't quite identify. Intrigued and somewhat apprehensive, he followed his nose to its source, only to stumble upon a horrifying sight: a person devouring another human being.

Without hesitation, Anh bolted away from the scene, his heart pounding with fear. Despite his terror, he didn't dare make a sound as he fled, his instincts screaming at him to get as far away from the gruesome sight as possible. 

With a hint of desperation, Anh dashed towards the Automotive lab room, a flicker of an idea forming in his mind. Drawing on his knowledge from gaming, he concocted a daring plan, hoping it would save him against all odds.

The chaos around him gives a slight edge to him, he using the chaos around him to his advantage and using panicking people to protect himself.

Still one must have a balls of steel to roam around the the deathly creatures like zombies even though they walk slow and use chaos to his advantage. What is that one thing drive him to go this extent

Anh muttered to himself as he hurried towards the lab, "People eating people, and people getting eaten, waking up like mindless drones to devour others. It's like something out of a zombie game."

"If everything goes according to the game, then their weak point must be the brain. It's better to try than to die without doing anything. Yeah, that nail gun will come in handy. Just please, don't let them spot me," Anh muttered to himself, hoping his makeshift weapon would be enough to fend off the zombies.

Anh swiftly entered the lab room, grabbed the nail gun, two walkie-talkies, and their receiver from his bench. As he made his way to the exit, Professor Slyde, along with several other professors and students, rushed towards the stairs.

Slyde, who was standing in the middle of the group, noticed Anh and remarked, "You're fat, so don't follow us and become a burden while you're being eaten by those things. If you insist on following us, you're on your own."

Every student and professor was gripped by fear as they witnessed the chaos unfolding around them.

Anh stepped forward, determined to test whether his theory would hold true. Three zombies were approaching the group, and everyone stood frozen in fear.

Anh gripped the nail gun tightly, as if it were an AK-47. He loaded a nail and took aim at the head of the middle zombie.

The nail found its mark with a sickening thud, sinking deep into the zombie's skull. Blood oozed out from the wound, dripping down its contorted face. With a guttural moan, the creature staggered forward, its movements growing more uncoordinated. Eventually, it collapsed to the ground

Anh, feeling confident, muttered to himself, "I can survive this hell." He swiftly took down the remaining two zombies with his nail gun. Looking at the stunned onlookers, especially Slyde, he declared confidently,

"If you want, I can lead you all downstairs without getting bitten," Anh declared boldly. "This 'fatty' is offering to save your sorry asses. Need my help, Mr. Slyde?"

Slyde's face twisted with anger, but he found himself unable to speak or take action in the face of Anh's unexpected competence. With a strained voice, he conceded, "Anh, who would have thought your crappy inventions would come in handy. Please, lead the way."

Anh assisted them all in reaching the safe room, ensuring their safety. 

They all entered the safe room, and as the door closed behind them, Anh was lost in thought, considering all the possibilities and formulating a plan. It took him two hours of careful consideration to understand his surroundings and come to a conclusion.

He stood up and walked toward the door.

Slyde stopped Anh just as he was about to open the door. "Where do you think you're going, Anh?"

"I'm heading to the ground floor. It's based on my observation," Anh explained. "Those creatures seem to react to sound. They all congregated on the ground floor, probably because of the loud noises. And down there, the echo amplifies the noise. If multiple voices shout at the same time, it'll create even more noise, attracting more zombies." 

"I want to use that sound to drive them out of our block. Then we can figure out how to leave the college safely," Anh elaborated.

Slyde glared at Anh and remarked sharply, "Don't get cocky just because you killed 10 zombies. Shut your mouth and get back inside."

Anh retrieved a walkie-talkie from his pocket and placed it in Slyde's hand. "I don't want to die without at least trying something," he said. "And if I can lead away the zombies from the ground floor, I'll use this to communicate with you, since phones won't work in the safe room." With a final look at Slyde, he opened the door and hurried towards the stairs leading to the 6th floor.