Chapter 7: Feeling

Four hours later.

Ricolo could be seen walking through a crowd of students, with a tired look on his face. The past four hours were extremely boring, All Might simply explained the battle test that was coming up before Eraser Head and the other students gathered up and chucked balls. Sending them flying.

Everyone did well, except Deku who broke his fingers throwing the ball, which confused, Ricolo extremely, because how the hell do you break your fingers throwing a ball? That weighs barely anything. But Ricolo ignored this and decided to sleep for the rest of the class. After all, sleeping with a roof above his head is something Ricolo isn't used to. 

Feeling fully rested for the first time in ages, Ricolo made a decision to visit someone he hadn't seen in a long time. As he made his way through the U.A. gates, a crowd of people surrounded him, occasionally stealing glances in his direction. However, for the most part, they paid him no mind.

In a few weeks, U.A. would likely forget all about Ricolo's performance in the entrance exam, which suited him just fine. The fewer eyes on him, the better in his opinion...

As Ricolo headed out of U.A. in the nurse's room, Deku could be seen sitting on a pure white bed nervously glancing around an empty room, Deku took a deep breath, before the door leading into the room, slowly creaked open and an elderly lady walked towards Deku with a polite look in her eyes, Deku locked eyes with the nurse, before she spoke. 

" Awe... What a sweet-looking boy! What happened to you? " As soon as she said this, Deku's face turned red, before he answered her question.

" Umm, I tried to use my quirk and kind of broke my fingers... " Nurse let out a loud scoff, before a chuckle could be heard outside of the door, this chuckle came from Eraser Head who was leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed, he was waiting to ask Deku, a simple question. 

Eraser Head tapped his foot patiently, until finally, Deku walked out of the room with an embarrassed look on his face, until his body jumped, from Eraser Head's sudden voice. 

" So? How was your first experience with recovery girl? " 

" Umm, well she called me a sweet-looking boy?... " Eraser Head just laughed at Deku's comment before he responded to Deku with a grin on his face.

" Don't worry about it, she says that to everyone she thinks is a good person, especially the first time she meets you, but. I came to ask you a question, and I decided to ask you, since you're quite an observant person Midoriya. " Deku looked at Eraser Head confused before he asked his question. 

" What do you think about, Ricolo? " Right when Eraser Head said this, Deku went into deep thought pondering about the question, before an answer escaped his lips. 

" Well... I-I can't say he is a bad person, but I can't look him in the eyes, without feeling like he's going to kill me. Do you also get that feeling? " 

"Sorta, he definitely doesn't have the expression of a hero, but he's a little too talented to let go just for his glare. " Deku nodded agreeing with Eraser Head, before his eyes sparkled and he asked Eraser Head a question. 

" Do you know what his quirk is? I asked everyone, and they didn't have a single clue. Expect Uraraka, who said his quirk makes him snap into movements. But that didn't help me at all. " Eraser Head smirked at Deku before he shook his head and spoke.

" Nope. We don't have a single clue on what his quirk is. He won't tell us. "...

While Deku and Eraser Head pondered about Ricolo's quirk, Ricolo himself could be seen standing in a dirty graveyard staring down at a gravestone with his hands in his pocket. The gravestone, he was staring at, was far more grander than the other stones. He glared at this gravestone until a sudden shout made him snap out of his trance. 

" Hey! Found you Ricolo. " 

Ricolo looked towards the voice and locked eyes with a pink woman, this woman of course was Mina Ashido. Ricolo stared at Mina confused, before she let out a hearty laugh and spoke while pointing at him. 

" You don't know this, since you were sleeping in class. But Eraser Head has ordered us to find other students outside of school. Kind of like a big hide-and-seek. But if you don't mind me asking. What are you doing in a graveyard? " 

" Visiting my sister, who passed away. She was killed some years ago." Responded Ricolo with a blank look on his face, as soon as Ricolo said this, Mina immediately started to scratch the back of her head trying to find a way to apologize to Ricolo, but before she could, Ricolo spoke. 

" Don't feel bad about asking, the people that killed her, have been dealt with. " This response made Mina's eyes widen before she asked Ricolo for a request. 

" Y-Yeah, I'm sure they're in prison. But come here, we need to take a selfie to prove that I found you outside of school " Ricolo just shook his head before he walked over towards Mina and took a selfie with her, this selfie was quickly posted in the U.A. group chat...