Chapter 21: Sports Festival

" Look! Right there! There's my son! "

Throughout a massive arena, filled to mass capacity. Similar screams roared out, as steaming hot sunlight poured down into the stadium, and standing in the middle of it all. Was a group of students, glancing around at the crowd, with mixed emotions. Some of them were excited, others were nervous. Yet all of them wanted to perform incredibly in the festival. 

Everyone's eyes were filled with determination. All, except, Ricolo whose eyes were staring blankly into the crowd. Before abruptly, he felt a touch on his shoulder, making him glance back confused. Right when he looked back, he saw Deku who was staring at him.

" Hey. I know you're dealing with something. But please focus on the festival. " Ricolo scoffed at the remark before he nodded and started to ponder in his head...

He grew a pair, hasn't he? He used to be afraid to even look at me. And now, he can talk to me whenever he wants. I guess the fact, I didn't kill him. When he asked me those questions, gave him the confidence to speak to me. But he is right. I do need to focus on this. Even though, I'm stronger than everyone here. 

Those no telling what the first exam is going to be. And, if it's something like a free-for-all, the weak will gather together to take me down. It's only human nature. And besides, there's no problem in overly planning. 

If it's a group battle, my best chances are to group with Deku or the student who can use ice. I think his name is Todoroki. But if it's something, like a written test. It's probably best to group with our class president. Hmm, I guess actually- Before I could finish pondering, a sudden mic echo rang through the entire arena quieting the deafly loud crowd. I immediately looked over towards a stage and standing on it, was Bakugo holding onto a mic. 

I stare at him confused before he speaks cockily. " I just wanna say, I'm going to win. " As soon as, he said this, a massive angry roar erupted from the people standing next to me. I only let out a scoff, as I shake my head. There's no point, in getting annoyed by his cockiness, and to be fair to him, he is one of the strongest here. 

Unless, class 1-B has something up their sleeve, someone in class 1-A should win this easily. It'll be a few minutes from now until the festival officially begins. For now, I guess, I should talk to people, my eyes instantly begin to glance around, until I lock eyes with Mina, who just smirks at me and speaks. 

" Are you finally done acting mysterious Ricolo? And are ready to actually talk to us? " 

" I'm not trying to act mysterious, I just have no reason to talk to any of you. " I responded, she gave me a sad look before she spoke.

" How harsh. But at least you're not like that idiot Bakugo and don't constantly brag and pick fights just because you're strong. " 

" I don't blame him. The strong have the right to brag. " I say, she just looks at me confused, before jokily speaking.

" What are you a samurai or something? What's up with that quote? " I let out an audible grunt until she slowly started walking towards me while talking. 

" Hey, Ricolo. I've been thinking, we should team up, if one of the exams is grouped based. I think with our chemistry, we would be a great team. " 

" What are you talking about? We hardly know each other. " She sneers at my comment before she shakes her head while shrugging her shoulders. " Yeah Yeah, you got me. I'm just trying to make connections with strong people. I'm not trying to embarrass myself in front of my parents. Surely, you can relate to that? "

As soon as she says this, she stops directly in front of me. I look at her pondering, before I sigh loudly and respond. " I wish. But, I'll consider it, but get ready. The first exam is about to begin. " She lets out a grin and speaks while giving me a thumbs-up. " Well as long as you consider it. "

Consider it? You would be one of the last ones I would pick Mina... But oh well, the first test is about to be announced. I look up at a massive screen, which is spinning violently, cycling through countless possible tests until it stops landing on an obstacle course. It's going to race? I guess that's not the worst possible outcome for me, I'm not the fastest student in terms of travel speed, but I'm not the slowest. And since it's the first test, there's no reason for me to get first. 

I instantly look towards a massive gate that is currently shut. I guess that's where we sprint out of. As I looked at the gate, a woman's voice spoke, coming from the stage. 

" Obstacle course! It'll simply be a race. You will start through that gate. You are free to do whatever you please, as long as you don't leave the course! " Looks like she just confirmed my theory. I slowly started to walk towards the gate, until I noticed something, a white and red-haired student crouching with their palm on the floor. I look at them confused before my eyes widen and a voice shouts out.

" Without further ado. The Obstacle Course begins now! "Immediately after she said this, I leaped into the air, as the ground under me froze nearly instantly. I quickly land back on the slippery ice and start to sprint towards the gate. With the amount of students sprinting towards the gate surely a pile-up will happen, as long as I get out of the gate. I'll be fine. 

I ran towards the gate, trailing behind Todoroki. Who glances back and looks over his shoulder before speaking to me. " Nice reactions Ricolo. But I would stop running if I were you. You're not going to win this exam. " I just grin at him and speak. " I don't plan on winning this one, so it's all yours. But thanks for freezing the other students for me. " He looks at me confused as he turns his head forward and starts sprinting full speed... 

Step Step Step. 

The sound of hasty footsteps ripped out behind me, as I causally jogged. Around half a minute had passed since my conversation with Todoroki, he's currently ahead of me by 20 feet. He shows no sign of slowing down either. It looks like he plans on winning the first test, which is quite foolish. But still, it's something I can respect. I don't particularly enjoy losing either.

The others are still stuck in the gate- BOOM- Hmm? Tsk, I guess you wouldn't give up without a fight would you Bakugo? Currently above me, is Bakugo firing blasts floating in the air. He easily soars past me while shouting out.

" Come here! You half and half bastard! " I watch him fly through the air, his shadow casting on the icy ground until abruptly Todoroki's pace slowed and the sound of beeps trickled through the air, followed by the sight of massive green robots. Those robots are the same as the entrance exam. There is nothing to worry about, all except the large one. He might be some trouble. 

The robots glare down at us, while I slide to a stop directly behind Todoroki, watching him grin, as he crouches down and touches the ground... 

As Todoroki prepared to deal with the robots, inside a barren bar, a purple portal and a teenager wearing a hand on his face, could be seen watching an old box TV. The portal was cleaning a used glass mug quietly until Shigaraki spoke asking a question. 

" So the one standing behind the icy student, is an assassin? " The portal nodded while placing the glass mug on the bar. Shigaraki let out a scoff, before speaking once more. 

" I heard reports that several of our villains were slaughtered in the USJ. I'm guessing that was his work, correct? " 

" Most likely, but oddly enough the way to hire him. Has gone completely quiet. " The portal said while staring at the TV watching Todoroki freeze the massive robot. 

" What do you mean? " Asked Shigaraki. 

" There used to be a woman you would call to order an assassin request. But, she's been radio silent for almost two weeks. " Shigakari let out a hum before he smirked and spoke.

" Who gives a shit. We should hurry up and get him to join us. " 

" I don't think that would be wise. I already asked him to join us, and he declined. And even when I threatened to leak his true identity, he still didn't budge. Meaning, that he most likely doesn't care to lose his title as a hero yet. So, we should give him a few months, to get used to the fame. " Shigaraki grew quiet after hearing this until he suddenly stood up from the bar stool, he was sitting on and spoke slightly annoyed. 

" You follow my orders, so you should listen to me. As soon as this sports festival is done. We're going to recruit him. " The portal let out a loud sigh and spoke. 

" As you wish. "...

Back at the festival, in the middle of a minefield, several students could be seen cautiously walking through it, including Ricolo whose fallen from second place, all the way to tenth. He casually walks through the minefield following a trail of ice created by Todoroki. As he finally got through the minefield, a sudden distant announcement could be heard.

" Coming in first place Izuku Midoriya! "Ricolo's eyes widened at this announcement he expected Bakugo or Todoroki to come in first place, not Deku. A sly grin crept on his face, as he headed towards the finish line, slowing down his pace, letting five other students pass him. He soon crossed the finish line coming in 15th place.

He walked past several students who gasping for air while kneeling. Barely any sweat was on Ricolo's face, as he began to glance around, until suddenly a chilling gaze locked onto his back, making him snap his head towards the rackety crowd. However, he couldn't find the source of the gaze, Ricolo could only stare into the crowd confused...

Pov: Deku { P:S I'm going to start writing when the POV switches, from now on. If you like it, let me know. If don't also let me know. }

Huff, Huff, Huff. 

I inhale deeply gasping for air, as I lay on the ground staring up into the cloudy sky. The clouds look nice today. I better enjoy staring at them before Kacchan kills me. I slowly pushed off the ground sitting up. I begin to glance around at the exhausted crowd standing around me.

Everyone in class 1-A was exhausted...All except Ricolo who is causally standing, glancing around the place with the same monotone look on his face. I'm guessing he didn't try, I don't why he wouldn't but it's not a surprise that he didn't. 

Hidden behind that monotone look. Is coldness. I think for some reason, I'm the only one who could tell that Ricolo's eyes aren't normal. The feeling they give off is like a tiger is eyeing to slaughter you. I don't know, what he's been through. But it is obvious with a gaze like that. His past must be truly dark. 

I stand up from the ground with wobbly legs and sore arms. Getting launched through the air due to a minefield explosion really did a number on my limbs. Heh, but I'm used to having a broken body. I slowly walk towards Ricolo, catching his attention, and making him look over towards me. Instantly, a wave of killing intent surfed over my body. Causing sweat to drip down my face. 

I can't look weak in front of him. Or he won't take me seriously. I can tell he has gained some respect for me. And backing down, just because of his gaze will tarnish that. I cough clearing my throat until I speak while waving my hand. 

" What place did you come in, Ricolo? " He grew quiet not answering my question until oddly a grin crept on his face and he put his hands behind his head. Why is he smiling? Did he notice that my confidence in speaking to him was fake? O-Or is something else. 

" 15th. Did you come to brag to me about your first place? " Ricolo says to me, in a joking tone. 

" Of course not. I came to ask why you didn't try. " I say to him, he just shrugs his shoulders and speaks. 

"It's the first test, there's no point in getting first place. As long as I qualify that's what truly matters. " I guess that is true, I didn't think that far. But getting first place is still important. It will make hero agencies pursue you. Does he not care about joining a agency? I look at him confused until I hear footsteps approaching and look to my right. To see Todoroki walking towards me. 

Why is he walking towards me? We already argued at the beginning of the sports festival, saying that he would destroy me during this festival. I don't know why, doesn't like me. Luckily, he's not paying attention to me, instead, he's looking over my shoulder at Ricolo. 

" Sorry, for eavesdropping on your conversation Ricolo. But do you not plan on joining any agencies after this? " Asked Todorki. 

" Nah, I'm going to do my own thing after this festival. " Responded Ricolo. The same confused look appeared on Todoroki's face, as he asked another question. 

" You have to join an agency to become a hero, that's how you get hired. " Ricolo nodded while answering this question. 

" I know. But don't worry about, what I'm going to do Todoroki. Instead, focus on the announcement that's about to be made. " Right when, Ricolo said this, Midnight suddenly spoke, standing on a metal stage. While a large screen spun, landing on cavalry battle. 

"Congratulations! The top 42 students have passed and will enter into the second round. Everyone below 42 has failed to advance. The cavalry battle will consist of teams of 2-4, and you will earn points by grabbing other students' headbands. The number of points for each headband is based on your placement during the obstacle race. However, there is one expectation of this. Izuku Midoriya! His headband will be worth 10 million points! ".

Instantly after she said this, powerful gazes snapped onto my body, eyeing me up. Sweat began to pour down my body. I-I guess this is what it's like being at the top. My legs begin to wobble, as Midnight continues speaking explaining the rules of the game, until abruptly she speaks giving us instructions. " You have 15 minutes to begin team negotiations and to group together! "...