Todoroki vs Tokoyami




The sounds of racing hearts flew through the air, As Todoroki and Tokoyami glared at each other standing in the middle of the stadium. The buzzing crowd could hardly contain their excitement, as Present Mic screamed.

" Start! "

Immediately after the announcement, a barrage of ice shot out of Todoroki's foot surfing across the floor hurling towards Tokoyami who quickly reacted, dashing to his right, avoiding the rush of ice. Tokoyami inhaled deeply before he realized that Todoroki, had split the arena in two. 

He glanced at the ice, as Todoroki slowly walked towards him, his eyes hyper-focused on Tokoyami who summoned Dark Shadow, Dark Shadow hovered on the left side of his body, as it waited patiently for Todoroki, until once again, and ice shot out of Todoroki's foot. But instead of dodging this time, Dark Shadow slithered forward and collided with the ice, destroying it. 

Ice fragments spewed into the air, falling towards the floor, but before the fragments could collide with the floor, Todoroki dashed forward, shooting out ice. Todoroki's plan was pretty simple, overwhelm Tokoyami with a barrage of ice attacks. Todoroki was only closing the distance to increase the speed of his attacks. With less distance to travel, Tokoyami would naturally have less time to react.

However, something Todoroki didn't know, was that his shiny ice was affecting Tokoyami extremely. The shiny ice was reflecting sunlight, weakening Dark Shadow greatly. Tokoyami dashed to his right, avoiding the ice, coming to a sliding stop, before lunging towards Todoroki who shot out ice once again. 

Tokoyami watched the ice approach him, until he leaped into the air, jumping over the ice and swinging Dark Shadow towards Todoroki. A shadow was cast over Todoroki as Dark Shadow flew towards him, but before it could reach, a wall of ice shot up, blocking Tokoyami's attack. 

A thunderous bang rippled out from Dark Shadow colliding with the wall, following this loud bang was the sound of cracks, and that's when the ice wall shattered into thousands of pieces, but when Dark Shadow slithered through the wall, it quickly realized that Todoroki had completely disappeared. It glanced around stumped.

That's when Tokoyami abruptly ordered Dark Shadow to return to him. Following his orders, Dark Shadow immediately flew back to Tokoyami. Unbeknownst to both Tokoyami and Dark Shadow on the left side of the arena. Todoroki was standing still getting ready to attack Tokoyami until abruptly he looked into the stands, locking eyes with Endeavor. Who let out a scoff and glared at Todoroki annoyed. 

But Endeavor wasn't the only one staring at Todoroki, on the other side of the stands was Deku, his mind racing with thoughts...

Pov Deku:

I understand why he doesn't want to use the other side of his quirk. With a past, like that. I wouldn't want to use it either. But still, it doesn't feel right. Todoroki could easily win this battle if he used his fire. That's the perfect counter to Tokoyami's quirk. It's his quirk not his father's. 

I watch as Todoroki releases barrage after barrage of ice at Tokoyami, who narrowly fends it off, using his shadow to destroy the incoming ice. Freezing fog begins to cover the stage, but even with that fog, I could still see something, Todoroki's arms, they're shivering. I stare at those arms until abruptly Kacchan who is sitting above me, speaks. 

" He's going to reach his limit. I'm guessing his quirk does affect his body, sorta like a mana bar in a video game. But if he would use his fire, I'm sure the damage being inflicted on his body would cancel/balance out. "

Kacchan is 100% correct. Even though, I want to shout out and tell Todoroki to use the other half of his quirk, that wouldn't be fair for Tokoyami. Even if Todoroki used his fire for a split second, it could cripple his shadow. I tightly clench my fists together, before looking up and glancing at Endeavor but? For some reason, he's not watching the fight and is heading towards the exit of the stands. I watched confused, as he bumped into several people before leaving the stands entirely.

But before I could focus on that, the crowd abruptly began to cheer obnoxiously loud, making me look back down to the stage only to see Tokoyami completely trapped in ice. His body and even his shadow were engulfed in ice. Todoroki stared at him, his body shivering dramatically, a chilly grin appeared on his face as Tokoyami's face turned sour and he spoke.

"I-I give up. " 

After this announcement, the already ear-deafening crowd roared out, cheering, but throughout all of the cheers, a sad look appeared on Todoroki's face...


As the sound of distant cheers entered a room filled with tables, a sudden bang, woke up Ricolo who was peacefully sleeping on the table clearly exhausted, this bang made him glance only to lock eyes with Endeavor, who was staring at Ricolo clearly irritated about something. 

" Who would win between you, and Shoto Todoroki? " Ricolo listened to this question confused before he smirked and spoke.

" I would win. It wouldn't be easy, but I would win. But why are you mentioning your son to me Endeavor? " Endeavor grew quiet until he spoke again.

" Could you make him use the fireside of his quirk? " 

" If he wants to defeat me, he would have to use it. So, most likely I could. " As soon as Ricolo said this, a grin crept onto Endeavor's face as he muttered one word.

" Good. "...