Chapter 34: Meeting

" H-He actually won! I was s-so worried! " screamed out a green-haired woman, sitting in front of a TV on a large couch. Tears were pouring down her face, as she quickly wiped them with the pink sweater she was wearing and let out a loud sigh and spoke. 

"You almost gave your mother a heart attack Izuku, b-but I'm glad you won the match. Even though the kid you fought was terrifying. And brutal. " 

As Inko let out a sigh of relief, the camera broadcasting the sports festival, zoomed into Midoriya's face, revealing the gloomy look covering his face. Inko quickly glared at the TV confused by her son's sad expression but before she could say anything, the camera cut to Ricolo who was approaching the tunnel...

Pov Ricolo

Well. These next hours. Might be my final ones. I approached the tunnel, as the crowd cheered loudly causing the ground under me to tremble. I forfeited for a simple reason. I couldn't risk my body getting injured any further. Deku was on his last legs, but I couldn't risk it. 

As soon as I stepped into the tunnel, a silhouette of a middle-aged woman with blue hair holding onto a bag came into my vision. Right before, I walked through this tunnel to battle Deku. I asked a random woman to guard a bag, I brought into the stadium. I'm surprised she actually guarded it, though. I lock eyes with the woman, before grinning and extending out my hand while talking.

" Thank you for guarding this bag for me. I don't understand why you did. But thank you. " 

" T-The reason I did. Was because you signed something for my daughter. " I stopped reaching out my hand as the woman said this, freezing it in the air, before she continued to speak. " My grandmother told me, about how a class 1-A student signed something for my daughter. She spoke and spoke about it. With a grin on her face. You see we don't have much money and usually, students or heroes ignore us. So, thank you. For making my daughter's day. " She must be talking about that one girl, the one I ran into the crowd. 

She hands me my bag with a grin on her face, before I ask her a question. " Do you know where Recovery Girl would be? " She looks at me, pondering for a few seconds, before she speaks while pointing up with her index finger. " Most likely the top floor. " 

Of course, she would be, I quickly nod my head at the woman and begin to walk past her until she speaks once again. " By the way. Several pro heroes are waiting for you outside the stadium. I only saw a glimpse of them, while I went to use the bathroom, so I don't know the exact heroes. " 

They are waiting for me? Probably Midnight and other heroes. I did tell her, I would explain who the sniper is...Obviously, I lied but still. Looks like I need to exit the stadium another way after I get my arm healed by Recovery Girl. Quickly, I walk away from the woman, feeling her gaze on my back. After making my way through the stadium, I find a stairwell that leads up to the top floor of the stadium. I walk up this stairwell, reaching the top floor and immediately, I see Recovery Girl by her lonesome hunched over, staring off a railing while standing on a wooden box. I slowly walk towards her until I cough and speak.

" Sorry for ruining your mood Recovery Girl. But I need you to heal me. " She slowly glances over her shoulder and sighs while pushing off the railing, turning her body to face me, and speaks.

" You don't plan on talking to those heroes, do you? "

" Not at all. But if it makes you feel better this will be the last time you see me. " I respond, she let out a soft chuckle and spoke while waving towards me, signaling for me to approach her. 

" Tsk, all right bring your arm here. But what are you planning to do? You left the stadium and brought a bag with you. And now you came rushing to find me. So what is it? "

" Before returning here. I ran into one of the villains that attacked the USJ. He wore a hand on his face and was wearing a black hoodie. He spoke asking me to join him. And when I told him, no, he tried to attack me, and he crumbled apart of my shirt. "

" And? Why does he think he would be able to convince you to join him? " 

" He knows a lot about me. You know, that I'm a bad person. And my past reflects that greatly. "

" So? Is he blackmailing you? " She asks me while glaring at me.

" Yep. But there's nothing I can do about it. Besides maybe kill him. But I need to finish something before I can do that. " 

" And that is? " 

" I need to...erase some remnants of my past before they erase me. "...




The sight of Ricolo walking across a roof with a black bag hanging off his back could be seen, as he snuck past several heroes waiting for him. He lept from roof to roof until he abruptly stopped and sat down on the roof, letting the bag fall off his shoulders. He reached behind him, pulling the bag, dragging it across the floor, and placing it in front of him.

He quickly opened the bag, reaching into it, pulling out a large cloak, tightly folded into a small black square. Inside this square, was a set of razor-sharp knives and a single bundle of string. Ricolo stared at the square his mind racing with ideas, until he grabbed onto it, and unfolded it while glancing up into the sky. 

The sun was falling meaning that night was rapidly approaching, in an hour or less, it would be night. Ricolo let out a grin as he stared at the sunset engulfing the sky before he murmured under his breath while slipping the cloak onto his body, covering his clothes. 

" Let's see how our story ends. "

Ricolo quickly stood up, grabbing the set of six knives on the floor, and walking towards the edge of the roof. With each step, the grin on his face, grew wider and wider until he stood on the edge with a wide smile on his face. In half an hour, the most important battle of Ricolo's life will begin...