Fate's game

With adrenaline coursing through his veins and a sense of urgency driving him forward, Jude wasted no time in springing into action once again. Despite his exhaustion and hunger, he knew that he could not ignore the call for help that echoed across the water.

Summoning every last ounce of strength and determination, Jude plunged into the sea once more, his body cutting through the waves with a fierce determination. Though fatigue threatened to weigh him down, he pushed himself forward, driven by a single-minded focus on reaching the person in distress.

As he swam towards the figure in the water, his muscles burning with exertion, Jude felt a surge of adrenaline propelling him forward, drowning out the voice of doubt that whispered in the back of his mind. For in that moment, all that mattered was the life that hung in the balance, and he was determined to do whatever it took to save it.

With each stroke, he drew closer to the person in need, his heart pounding in his chest as he fought against the currents and the pull of the sea. And as he reached out to grab hold of them, a sense of relief washed over him, knowing that he had once again answered the call to be a beacon of hope in the darkness.

With every fiber of his being, Jude pulled the person towards the safety of the shore, his body straining with the effort of their combined weight. But he refused to give up, knowing that their lives depended on his strength and determination.

And as he emerged from the water, gasping for breath and dripping wet, Jude felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him, knowing that he had once again answered the call to be a hero in someone else's story. For in that moment, he knew that he had made a difference, and that was all that truly mattered.

Jude saved her too. Her name was Rose.

As Jude pulled Rose to safety and watched her cough and sputter, expelling the water from her lungs, he felt a surge of relief wash over him. But his respite was short-lived, for even as he caught his breath, his eyes scanned the horizon and spotted another figure in the water.

With a sense of determination burning in his heart, Jude wasted no time in diving back into the sea, driven by an unwavering commitment to save as many lives as he could. One by one, he rescued person after person, each one a testament to his strength, courage, and selflessness.

Despite the exhaustion that threatened to consume him, Jude pressed on, fueled by a sense of purpose that burned brighter with each life he saved. With each person he pulled to safety, he felt a renewed sense of hope and determination, knowing that he was making a difference in the world, one act of heroism at a time.

And so, he continued his relentless struggle against the elements, his body battered and weary, but his spirit unbroken. For Jude knew that the true measure of a hero lay not in the battles won, but in the lives saved and the hearts touched along the way.

And as he emerged from the sea, dripping wet and exhausted but triumphant, Jude knew that his journey was far from over. For in the face of adversity and danger, he had discovered a strength within himself that he had never known existed, a strength born from the depths of his compassion, and the unwavering belief that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

As Jude continued to save woman after woman from the treacherous sea, a troubling realization began to gnaw at the edges of his consciousness. Despite his efforts to remain focused on the task at hand, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was something more to the pattern he was witnessing.

With each rescue, the faces of the women he saved blurred together, their ages and appearances melding into a haze of familiarity that stirred a deep-seated resentment within him. Though he outwardly maintained his composure, inwardly, a storm of anger and bitterness raged within his heart.

For Jude, every woman he pulled from the water served as a painful reminder of the betrayal he had suffered at the hands of his wife. The pain of her betrayal, the sense of abandonment and loss, festered within him like a wound that refused to heal, fueling his growing animosity towards the gender to which she belonged.

Though he knew it was irrational and unfair to judge all women based on the actions of one, Jude couldn't help but feel a surge of hatred bubbling up inside him with each new rescue. The sight of their faces, their voices, their very presence, served as a constant reminder of the pain and anguish he had endured, a wound reopened anew with each passing moment.

But despite the storm of emotions raging within him, Jude remained outwardly composed, his demeanor stoic and unwavering as he continued to carry out his duties as a rescuer. For he knew that his personal feelings had no place in the life-or-death situations he faced, and he refused to allow his own pain to cloud his judgment or hinder his ability to save those in need.

And so, with a heavy heart and a burdened soul, Jude pressed on, his outward actions a testament to his strength and resilience in the face of adversity, even as his inner turmoil threatened to consume him from within. For in the depths of his despair, he knew that he had a duty to fulfill, a duty to save lives, regardless of his own personal struggles and the demons that haunted his past.

He asked them,

"Do you people know eachother? How did all of you fell into the sea like this?"

Serena one of the oldest spoke up. She said,

"I have seen some of them. I think we are all from the same ship that just got hit by the whirlpool. The ship was completely destroyed but we somehow managed get here. I swim half way here but then i become tired and lost consciousness."

Rose said,

"She's talking about the same ship that I was in."

As Jude listened to the accounts of the women he had rescued, a sense of unease settled over him like a heavy shroud. The realization that they had all come from the same ship, a ship that had met a tragic fate, sent a chill down his spine.

But what troubled Jude even more was the fact that only women seemed to have survived the sinking of the ship. It was a baffling mystery, one that defied rational explanation and left him feeling increasingly unsettled.

As he pondered the implications of this strange phenomenon, Jude couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye. Was it merely a coincidence that only women had survived, or was there something more sinister at play?

With a furrowed brow and a sense of determination burning in his heart, Jude resolved to uncover the truth behind the shipwreck and the mysterious circumstances surrounding the survival of the women who had been aboard. For he knew that until he unraveled the secrets hidden beneath the surface, the true nature of the tragedy would remain shrouded in darkness, casting a shadow over the lives of all who had been touched by its devastation.

He asked them,

"Was there only female passengers in the ship?"

Susan said,

"No I was alone but most of them were couples."

Rose said,

"I came to enjoy a vacation but it turned out this way. It was too hard for me in my office because of the workload. So when I got a gap I simply took a vacation. But now thinking about it makes me feel like that was better."

As the women spoke up, sharing their stories and revealing that they were all single, Jude couldn't shake the feeling that fate was playing a cruel joke on him. The realization that every woman he had saved was unattached only added to the sense of disbelief and confusion that swirled within him.

It seemed too much of a coincidence to be mere happenstance. Was fate deliberately orchestrating events to test him, to push him to confront the demons of his past and the pain he had buried deep within his heart?

'no wait a second, what am I thinking. They are some unknown people. Just don't think the wrong way. Just remember your promise. You can never trust a woman. So you will never trust a woman. Not even going to have friendship with them. They were in the verge of death and you saved them. That's all there is. Let's get out of this place quickly. But how?'

His mind told him alot of things. He was completely confused about what to do next. He looked at the tired faces of the once he saved…