To save Amelia

Jude's words echoed in the air, In that moment, Jude's unwavering resolve served as a rallying cry for the group, reigniting the flickering flame of hope amidst the darkness of uncertainty. And as they prepared to embark on their perilous journey into the unknown, they drew strength from the unbreakable bond that united them, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest to bring Amelia home.

Susan said,

"Okay, we can see that we need to go and save her. At the same time we cannot risk anyone's lives. Jude is not going to Stop even if we try, so he's going. No one else needs to risk their lives because I'll be the one going with him."

Stella moved forward to the side of Susan and asked,

"Why are you saying that? We are not planning to stay here while she needs our help. We are also coming."

Susan turned and looked at her. She said,