No way through

As Susan turned away, her emotions swirling with a mixture of fear and frustration, Jude instinctively reached out to her, pulling her into a comforting embrace. His lips found her neck, tenderly kissing away her worries, but she pushed him away, her resolve unyielding in the face of danger.

Their gaze lingered on the retreating Wolfpack, a silent reminder of the harsh realities of their journey. Though the creatures were now far from sight, the memory of their presence lingered like a shadow, casting a pall over their spirits.

With a heavy sigh, Susan and Jude exchanged a knowing glance, their thoughts unspoken but understood between them. Despite the dangers that surrounded them, they knew that they could not afford to let fear dictate their actions. Amelia's safety depended on their courage and determination, and they could not falter in their quest to bring her home.