
As the sound drew nearer, Jude's heart hammered in his chest with a fear unlike any he had ever known. With Susan's safety paramount in his mind, he clutched her tightly, one hand covering her mouth to stifle any sound and the other pressing against her stomach to keep her from moving.

The fear of death loomed over them like a dark cloud, suffusing the air with an oppressive weight that made each breath a struggle. Though Jude himself was terrified, the rapid pounding of Susan's heart beat beneath his hand sent a shiver of dread down his spine, intensifying his own fear to new heights.

In the deafening silence of the cave, the sound of their racing heartbeats seemed to echo off the walls, a haunting reminder of the mortal peril they faced. With every passing moment, the sense of impending doom grew stronger, threatening to engulf them in its icy grip.