That's odd

Stop thinking about the past. Jude told himself. He was standing beside a statue and thinking about Amelia this whole time. He recognised that he didn't even get far in the cave. He tried to concentrate on what matters now.

With a firm resolve, Jude tore his gaze away from the statue that had held him captive in its grasp, forcing himself to focus on the present moment and the task at hand. Though his mind still buzzed with thoughts of Amelia and the tangled web of desire that had ensnared him, he knew that dwelling on the past would only serve to distract him from the challenges that lay ahead.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Jude cast aside the weight of regret and longing that threatened to drag him down, steeling himself for the trials that awaited him in the depths of the cave. With each step forward, he pushed aside the memories that clamored for his attention, his mind clear and focused on the journey ahead.