Just like a dream world

The hall was completely covered in mist. It cleared and Susan saw the surroundings had changed. As the mist dissipated, Susan's surroundings shifted once again, and she found herself lying on a soft bed of sand, the gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore filling the air. Blinking in confusion, she realized that she was back on the beach where their journey had begun.

Beside her, Jude lay with a dreamy expression on his face, his eyes gazing out at the tranquil sea stretched before them. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the landscape, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold.

Feeling a sense of disorientation, Susan struggled to make sense of their sudden return to the beach. But as she looked around, she noticed a small picnic spread out before them, complete with fruits, pastries, and a bottle of sparkling champagne.