Focus on the goal

Susan wondered why they were kissing. Amelia was in the mountains when the others decided to marry Jude. She couldn't possibly know about the decision. Were they having a relationship on our backs? Were they cheating on us? A lot of questions came to her mind.

As Susan's mind raced with questions, she couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that gnawed at her gut. Had Jude been unfaithful to her, carrying on a secret relationship with Amelia behind her back? The thought sent a surge of anger coursing through her veins, mingled with a sense of hurt and confusion.

But as she looked into Amelia's eyes, Susan saw only sincerity and confusion reflected back at her. There was no trace of guilt or deception in her gaze, only genuine concern for her well-being. Could it be possible that Amelia was just as unaware of the situation as Susan was?