A killer whale

Jude walked towards the cat sitting on the shores. He wasn't aware of the dark danger moving towards him. The cat could feel the danger and it stood up. It started raising its fur and started acting mad. Jude thought it's acting weird towards him.

As Jude approached the black cat sitting on the shore, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The normally placid creature stood up, its fur bristling with an intensity that Jude had never seen before. Bewildered, he reached out to pet the cat, only to recoil as it emitted a low growl, its eyes fixated on something beyond Jude's line of sight.

Confusion clouded Jude's thoughts as he tried to make sense of the cat's strange behavior. Was it feeling threatened by something nearby? Or perhaps it was simply in a foul mood for reasons unknown. But as he glanced around, his eyes widened in alarm as he caught sight of a dark shape moving stealthily towards him from the shadows.