
Jude was frustrated to hear that another tragedy had happened in the sea…

Jude: "Another shipwreck... It seems like there's no end to the tragedies that befall those who stumble upon this island."

Zoey: "I know, Jude. It's heartbreaking to see so many lives lost at sea. But at least we can offer refuge to those who have survived."

Jude: "True, but each new arrival brings with it its own set of challenges. We'll need to prepare to welcome them and ensure they have everything they need to survive."

Zoey: "Agreed. We'll have to organize shelter, food, and medical supplies for the survivors. And we'll need to make sure they understand the dangers of the island."

Jude: "Absolutely. We can't afford to let our guard down, especially with the island's unpredictable nature. We'll need to keep a close eye on them until they're settled in."