Fera is turned

Meanwhile, the others continued on their journey, oblivious to Fera's plight as they forged ahead, their laughter and conversation echoing through the forest. Unseen and unheard, Fera stumbled backward, her footsteps faltering as she sank to the ground, the effects of the flower's toxic pollen coursing through her veins.

Alone and helpless, Fera lay amidst the foliage, her senses swimming in a haze of confusion and disorientation. With each passing moment, the darkness closed in around her, her consciousness slipping away as she succumbed to the sinister influence of the flower she had dared to consume.

As Fera lay sprawled on the forest floor, her cries for help lost amidst the rustling leaves and distant chatter of her companions, a sense of desperation washed over her. With each feeble attempt to call out, her voice grew weaker, her pleas fading into the vast expanse of the wilderness.