Gladwin is missing

As Sam watched Fera doing the cooking with a laugh on her face, he felt scared. That time someone put their hands on his shoulder. As Sam felt the unexpected touch on his shoulder, a jolt of shock surged through him, his senses snapping to attention as he whirled around to confront the source of the disturbance. To his astonishment, he found himself face to face with Jude, his friend and fellow survivor, his grip firm yet reassuring as he held Sam's shoulder.

Relief flooded through Sam as he realized that it was Jude who had approached him, his initial fear giving way to a sense of gratitude at the sight of a familiar face amidst the chaos of the night. With a shaky exhale, he managed a weak smile, his heart still racing from the sudden adrenaline rush.

"Jude, you scared me,"

Sam admitted, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke.

"I thought...I thought..."