Back to the safe place

Layla: "Sophie, I know you're worried about Jude, but we need to think about our safety too. Going back to the shelter might be the best option for now."

Sophie: "I understand, Layla, but I can't shake this feeling that something might have happened to Jude. We can't just leave him out there alone."

Layla: "I know, Sophie. I'm worried about him too. But rushing back into the forest without a plan could put us all in danger. We need to think this through."

Sophie: "I get it, Layla. But Jude is our friend. We can't just abandon him. What if he's hurt, or worse?"

Layla: *sighs* "You're right, Sophie. I hate to admit it, but you're right. We can't leave Jude behind. Let's go find him."

Sophie: *nods* "Thank you, Layla. I know it's risky, but I can't just sit back and do nothing. We'll find him together, I promise."