Lucy lost control

Lucy was becoming slimy. Her sweat was making her look like a fish. She moved like a mermaid in front of Jude. She was seducing him. And Jude liked it. After getting married to the twelve women, he was always ready for anything.

As Lucy's transformation continued, her once-human features became increasingly distorted by the influence of the conch shell. A slimy sheen covered her skin, giving her the appearance of a creature of the sea. With each movement, she glided with an otherworldly grace, her movements reminiscent of a mermaid's enticing dance.

Jude, mesmerized by Lucy's seductive allure, found himself drawn to her in ways he couldn't explain. Despite his previous commitments, the allure of Lucy's transformed form proved too strong to resist. His mind clouded by desire, he succumbed to her advances, his inhibitions swept away by the intoxicating power of the conch shell.