Parasite in confusion

The wild animals started running, the bird's were making loud noises. The bugs made a lot of noises to hide the moaning sounds of the couple. Even the monster's on the mountain felt embarrassed watching them. As Adam and Natalie's passion reached a fever pitch, the natural world around them seemed to stir with a sense of unease. Wild animals scattered, their senses heightened by the primal energy that pulsed through the air. Birds squawked and fluttered their wings, their calls echoing through the dense foliage, while insects buzzed and chirped in a cacophony of sound.

Yet amidst the chaos of nature's response, the moans and cries of pleasure that escaped Natalie's lips threatened to pierce through the veil of noise. Sensing the need for discretion, the insects intensified their buzzing, their collective hum rising to drown out the sounds of ecstasy emanating from the couple.