Everything is fine

Jude looked around. Even though they got out of the castle in one piece it doesn't mean they are fully out of trouble yet. The island is dying and he needs to find a way to save it. As Jude surveyed the landscape around them, a sense of urgency settled in his heart. Though they had emerged from the castle's grasp relatively unscathed, the looming threat of the island's demise cast a shadow over their newfound freedom.

The signs of the island's decay were unmistakable: the once vibrant foliage now wilted and parched, the once abundant wildlife now scarce and wary. It was clear that time was running out, and Jude knew that they couldn't afford to rest on their laurels.

With a steely resolve, Jude turned to Scarlett, his voice firm with determination. "We may have escaped the castle, but our journey is far from over. The island is dying, and we need to find a way to save it."