Don't look at me like that

The fish was double the size of that cat. Still he was strong enough to guide it back to a place where it cannot go back to the water. It was close to Jude so Jude tried to catch another one. The hook got free at the moment the fish jumped out of his hand, which saved him from the trouble of removing it.

As the cat bravely took charge of the large fish, guiding it away from the water's edge with surprising strength and determination, Jude marveled at the feline's prowess. Despite the size difference between the fish and the cat, the determined feline held its ground, ensuring that their catch remained secure and out of harm's way.

With a sense of relief, Jude turned his attention back to the task at hand, casting his line once more into the shimmering waters of the river. As he felt the familiar tug on his fishing rod, he braced himself for the challenge ahead, his focus sharpening as he prepared to reel in another catch.