Let's help them

Susan: *concerned* "Are you injured? Do you need any help?"

Alex: *shaking his head* "No, thankfully I'm fine. But we're stranded out here until we can figure out how to get the ship back under control."

Jude: *nodding* "Well, you're not alone anymore. We'll do whatever we can to help."

Layla: *looking around* "Is there anyone else still on board?"

Alex: *nodding towards the lower decks* "Yes, there are a few others. Mostly women who were part of the crew."

Susan: *determined* "Let's go find them and see if they need assistance. We'll figure out a plan together."

As they descended into the lower decks of the ship, Jude and Susan knew that they had stumbled upon a new challenge. But with their determination and willingness to help, they were ready to face whatever obstacles lay ahead and assist Alex and the others in getting the ship back on course.